Friday, November 19, 2010

Even outsiders think AD is stupid


As many of you in the Wolf-Pack knows, Fridays are one of the days that my DAV/PSR shows up to do his thing, on personal stuff. Any flyte, with AD’s page , latest bullshit over my Merchant Circle account, I had Todd look over the crap that AD and his cronies have spread. The first thing that Todd said is, he agrees there is a cause for legal action on many fronts and he is going to get some other people involved in the feud. He also said, it sure seems that a bunch of people in Ignore County, have one hell of alot of idle time, to devote any attention to just me. I have told Todd of this before, but he just had to scan it, today. Basically Todd said just ignore the bastards and go on with life. He said , he’s going to submit AD’s site to the Idaho Attorney General’s office as well as to the Department of Defense for further investigation, so I’d hate to be in AD’s shoes. The last thing Todd said for me to tell AD, and I do here is; AD, I’m done, fuck you.

More L8R Aviators

WOLFS LAIR SIG A Knyte Babes poster

Quote of the day:
I don't generally feel anything until noon; then it's time for my nap. - Bob Hope
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I] Psalms 1–41[Psalm 1] Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

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Lost in a space

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Not all is, as it looks. I have found that to be the case much more lately than what I’d treasure to see. It’s like when I got conned into going to Pocatello over a bullshit sales job for a TV station there. Look at the success, or lack of it since that same enterprise has not gained. But I bit. However I have not always been that way. In fact looking back, long before the angel that turned out to be a crack whore, that lured me to seek, new horizons , I looked over Idaho quite extensively before moving. Did not like what I saw, and if I had dug a bit more below the skin as well as surface, I’d still be in metro Utah. Not saying , Utah is all that great. Utah does have its problems, but there is a bit more gold on that valley floor than was or is in these mountains that I once was proud to call home. Okay so it’s a new day, and I’m looking at getting out of going towing. No , not selling DixieBelle, or LiL Dixie, but restoring and storing the rigs of once was a career path, but devoting more of my time to split between specialty aviation as well as aviation media. It’s not going out in the cold to go tow, for so little dough, but the scenery is changing. While not law yet, talk in the valley, is ISP along with other law enforcement agencies are looking at requiring at least 3 trucks to be owned by a company to get on rotation call out lists. At a mere 20 calls a month its pretty tough to justify buying more trucks, even used, especially in this economy. Even at that 20 calls a month, at my call out rate of $60.00 a pop, that equals only $1200.00 a month. In the same lane I can make that in only one hour flying. If I turn wrenches on trucks and even hot rods, I might make $50,000.00 a year. On the same floor, If I go to rebuilding as I started in 2002, vintage military warbird aircraft, I can make $3, to $5, million per aircraft. Even an idiot can figure out which makes the best ROI. Yes I am Lost in a Space. As I am trying to decide, would moving back to a more aviation friendly area like Utah? Move to Arkansas to be with a gal who is right now in the feel it stage to see if the long distance relationship, is all it looks to be, or do I keep battling forces beyond my control, like the buttwipes in MHI? Nothing for sure right now, as I have some other responsibilities, to do. But these are what are making me wonder , as I am Lost in a Space.

L8R Aviators

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Quote of the day:
You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. - Scott Adams
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I] Psalms 1–41[Psalm 1] Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

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our buisness card


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And some shook their heads at us!!


So they shook their heads at us. More like gave us the middle finger. Yet who has stayed more than just operational, but being profitable. No I’m not saying we are rolling in cash, but we did not go bust either. How? Finding funding where few look, trimming back on new purchases and making due with what we had, and outside of a few other toe stubbing, episodes, like getting promises from so many sources, from Cable-One, that I came very close to telling the owner/manager of a vendor today that we buy from not to do business with, while one of the sales execs from Cable One was there, I really had to byte my lip. To the so called webmaster, that became a disaster, who turned out , had no idea of how to build what we needed, yet sang a song, and I nearly bit. We have flown the turbulent sky of the worst depression since the great one in the 1930’s and have came out of it, firmly ready to take on the resurgence of business, both great and small, as it is presented.

Wanted to go online previous night , but after hauling junk to Barger Matson in Twin all day Tuesday, for Chuck no less, funny, AD’s mudslinging bunch said they called all the tow services in Twin, guess they did not call Chucks, nor did they call Marks since Mark, when I asked had not heard from anyone concerning me , nor Dixie Towing, of Idaho. Now onto another few of those that gave us the middle finger. KMVT –11 out of Twin, had to give us the middle finger, when we had in hand cash to spend with them, in ADVERTISING, yet they thought we were not worth their time. Yet look at KMVT’s news show. Not only are they not running with two late news anchors like they did before, but the sports guy, is about as lame as they can get, I think Joe Martin has something over management, cuzz I think they might give him the boot, if Joe did not have something on them. Not saying Joe is a bad news person, he does do a good job, but he is really old, alot older than any other newscaster in the market. And finally, AD and his hate crew against me, but also against military aviators. Yes YOU who flew and fly for the defense of this Union. By snubbing us as well as the then proposed rebuilding by us, on our coin of the GF Airport, that really needs a rebuild, they inadvertently gave the finger to you who were willing to give it all in the air. One by one , their claims , have been proved wrong. The fact that they and we know who THEY are, are so full of hate, yet that’s what they claim I am. If so, because of them, who could blame me? They are so scared that I might make it better than I am, and my condition is getting better, and would not be, if I had remained on station in either, GF, Gooding or Bliss. The mere move from Bliss to Buhl, has opened so many doors, not only for me, AyreWolf Aviation,Dixie Towing, but too, the AyreWolvez, yes YOU, and YOUR organization. So for all of those who gave us the middle finger, for all you who shook your heads, in words of Toby Keith, how do you like us now.

Next entry; the website.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority. - Thomas H. Huxley
1 John 2:15-16“[Do Not Love the World] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.”

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A Knyte Babes poster AFTER BURNER

Some may never learn-AyreWolf

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Enuff with the Air Force already!!


Friday’s run of open phone on Warbird Radio was great, for once there was something other than things Air Force. Not really saying that the Air Force is bad, but all the crap of the P-40, and P-51 , bulls breath. How about, the F-4-U Corsair, and other Navy/Marine byrds that ruled the South Pacific? The WildCat was one of those, yet if you watch TV or tune in to many shows regarding military aviation, do not expect much if anything about other byrds or helo’s on many of those shows. Sure the Marines, have always been labled the red headed step child of the Navy, by all fairness the Air Force is the blonde headed retard of the Army, in fact the Air Force was once just labled the Army Air Corps. The Marines, have always been and continue to be the Marines.

Now to my pet peeve here. Why is it that the Helicopter is always ignored? Granted the Helicopter never really came into its own until Korea , but there are many, many lives of all branches of military, who were saved by helos , the attack helo is today, the first in to any assault, and yet, whether its Korea, Vietnam, or Iraq and all theaters and campaigns today, the Helicopter is the real cheef of the battle.

I have repeatedly said, that the BIG difference between our military aviation radio gig, in fact us in this branch of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, the AyreWolvez, is the importance and reverence we place on the helicopter, rather than just fixed winged warbirds, although we honor, restore and fly both here.

I was supposed to get a call last week or so from Matt at Warbird Radio, guess he forgot.

Getting back on course here. if you eye ball Sporty’s catalog, what you see is maybe 1 or 2 items in the accessories section for the F-4-U, the rest is of AF style birds.

I say enuff with the Air Force, include the rest of military flight, the Navy, Marines and oh yes, the Coast Guard.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. - Douglas Adams
1 Timothy 2:1-2“[Instructions on Worship] I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

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A Knyte Babes poster AFTER BURNER

MHI hates everyone not of their kind-AyreWolf