So they shook their heads at us. More like gave us the middle finger. Yet who has stayed more than just operational, but being profitable. No I’m not saying we are rolling in cash, but we did not go bust either. How? Finding funding where few look, trimming back on new purchases and making due with what we had, and outside of a few other toe stubbing, episodes, like getting promises from so many sources, from Cable-One, that I came very close to telling the owner/manager of a vendor today that we buy from not to do business with, while one of the sales execs from Cable One was there, I really had to byte my lip. To the so called webmaster, that became a disaster, who turned out , had no idea of how to build what we needed, yet sang a song, and I nearly bit. We have flown the turbulent sky of the worst depression since the great one in the 1930’s and have came out of it, firmly ready to take on the resurgence of business, both great and small, as it is presented.
Wanted to go online previous night , but after hauling junk to Barger Matson in Twin all day Tuesday, for Chuck no less, funny, AD’s mudslinging bunch said they called all the tow services in Twin, guess they did not call Chucks, nor did they call Marks since Mark, when I asked had not heard from anyone concerning me , nor Dixie Towing, of Idaho. Now onto another few of those that gave us the middle finger. KMVT –11 out of Twin, had to give us the middle finger, when we had in hand cash to spend with them, in ADVERTISING, yet they thought we were not worth their time. Yet look at KMVT’s news show. Not only are they not running with two late news anchors like they did before, but the sports guy, is about as lame as they can get, I think Joe Martin has something over management, cuzz I think they might give him the boot, if Joe did not have something on them. Not saying Joe is a bad news person, he does do a good job, but he is really old, alot older than any other newscaster in the market. And finally, AD and his hate crew against me, but also against military aviators. Yes YOU who flew and fly for the defense of this Union. By snubbing us as well as the then proposed rebuilding by us, on our coin of the GF Airport, that really needs a rebuild, they inadvertently gave the finger to you who were willing to give it all in the air. One by one , their claims , have been proved wrong. The fact that they and we know who THEY are, are so full of hate, yet that’s what they claim I am. If so, because of them, who could blame me? They are so scared that I might make it better than I am, and my condition is getting better, and would not be, if I had remained on station in either, GF, Gooding or Bliss. The mere move from Bliss to Buhl, has opened so many doors, not only for me, AyreWolf Aviation,Dixie Towing, but too, the AyreWolvez, yes YOU, and YOUR organization. So for all of those who gave us the middle finger, for all you who shook your heads, in words of Toby Keith, how do you like us now.
Next entry; the website.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day: Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority. - Thomas H. Huxley
1 John 2:15-16“[Do Not Love the World] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.”
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Some may never learn-AyreWolf