Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Calm before the Storm:


It’s the calm before the storm here. While I should be busy packing the heat is such, will wait until tonight. Okay then there are a few that have asked,  “why are you just moving to another area town? Why not just leave completely?” Trust me I’d like to, but the powers that be over the CMC amongst others say no, can go. You made such a noise over Idaho, now stay there and at least complete something, then we’ll look at extracting you out of the battle zone of the mountain desert of Idaho. However things could be worse. At least we have a shop, hangar and after renovation a studio/office so yea it could be worse.

Any mile need to get ready to go to a funeral for a Marine friend of mine this evening in Burley, then catch some zz’s to get moving on Thursday.

L8R Ya’ll

Col. Montgomery


AyreWolf AyreScript Signature

Zechariah 14:9“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.”

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who will stop the rain? Not me!!


For once I’m not going to gripe about the rain. Or weather. After yesterday’s near 105 degree reading here in Bliss, and the overnight temp that did not drop below 75 all night, I say let it rain. In fact let it rain for at least 2 days. Then stay covered for the two days I got to move in then, sun or heat up all ya’ll want cuzz I be in where the air conditioner flows.

Shop found , moving in on Friday, and then next week into a hangar.Shit is coming together, and as Hannibal Smith of the A-Team used to say, I just love it when a plan comes together. Or as Mr. T used to say, the Colonel is on the Jazz.



Quote of the day:
Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form. - Karl Marx
Psalm 138:8“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.”

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Why can’t a work horse look like a parade horse?


I was going to bend your eye on the modern concept of using CB radio in a rig since cell phones etc has become such a fad. But an issue came up that deserves a bit more attention but needs to be outlined a bit before I get into the grit.

Between the time of the founding of the TTA, and the reworking of the organization into the Road Commanders, since we were no longer Teenagers the term did not fit any more, I was one of a rare few under 21 year olds, that was a member of the original ITA, my Dad was one of the founding members of what was the RoadMasters Association the predecessor of the ITA. With that being said, while my hat is off to the OOIDA, and I’m proud to carry that decal on my truck, still I think that a bit of ink by OOIDA in say LandLine besides just a feature when it turns winter, about us in towing would be greater than great it would be a salute to those of us who come rolling out at all times of day, night or hour. As well as in some of the worst weather. While many OTR drivers are sipping coffee in a storm in  Truck Stop somewhere, we in towing are busting our hump pulling folks out of snow banks, recovering a truck out of a lake or hey lifting a 500 pound woman onto a car carrier because she is too heavy for paramedics to carry out on a stretcher, or get through the door of an ambulance. All of which I have done by the way. While I might have slipped in saying that OOIDA claimed to be thee industry organization for all independent truckers, rather than the leader I apologize. But consider this. The ITA was formed in the mid 1960’s, long before the embargo in 1973. The ITA lead a total industry shut down in 1982 which by the highway our members supported.  And while many industry including those in the press coverage of our industry might not get all giddy over a rodeo queen posing with a cattle hauler, there are many more of us that will enjoy it. Its like food, eggs by themselves are good, how much better do they taste with some Tabasco or ketchup on them? Chili tastes good by itself, but I’d like to put some onions in it, just gives it a kick. So why not each month in a national publication feature a few working rigs, with some hot bods both female and male, in a great backdrop and give some punch and expression for a driver, or owner of a truck or tow rig?

Now I do not say these things to OOIDA or LandLine to antagonize or create hate or animosity, since this entire trucking industry is needing many things or cures to help each one of us keep more green in our jeans or at least increase earning potential. I think what we do and what OOIDA does should walk hand in hand.  How? Consider this, as a OOIDA member, everytime I have gotten a real Call to Action notice from OOIDA, I delivered it over our airwaves on my radio show that is heard by 28, million OTR drivers and towing owner/operators across America. Our program is carried by 8 high 50,000 watt stations, as well as regionally by stations we as a organization owns. The reason I became the mouthpiece is simple, I tow, and during certain periods of the year or month , I’m home alot so rather than just sit and gripe I go do something about it. We launched what has become Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio in 1975 and the Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio Network in 1993. Our show and all is very different since our on air personalities are not just on air personalities, we live our industry, both trucking, towing, and yes flying. Long before the Road Gang which became the Dave Nemo show on XM reported NASCAR news on trucker directed radio, we at Dixie Diesel were doing it. When we reviewed movies, that drivers might like we were copied by the others, and nobody told the story and still doesn’t tell the story of us in towing except us on Dixie Diesel Radio. When what was the ITRN or Interstate Trucker Radio Network folded in 1994, it was Dixie Diesel that picked that up, retitled it and went coast to coast. So why am I member of OOIDA? Simple, I care about everybody trying to make a buck driving a truck. I don’t care if its a guy in a hot shot LTL truck, delivering boats, or a gal in a bull wagon, or a honey in a tow truck pulling a ride out of the ditch. Everyone of us is doing a job not many want to do, but we do it because we love our profession. Lets face it I love trucks, trucking and the lifestyle. Shit I took baths in 2 ounces coupled with water and diesel fuel because I loved smelling like my truck. Oh sure I went to a truck school, which was a total rip off, but I went. Finding at 19 I could not run interstate. Why did the school accept me? Money. They loved that $3,000.00 for 6 weeks of training that I had already learned going with a bull hauler that drove for France Transportation out of Gooding Idaho. He let me drive out in the open range and I loved it. Whether its OOIDA, the URCAOA the TRAA, or a combination of all of them since I can’t go coast to coast as I once dreamed, I will be out here talking the talk, walking the walk and fighting for all like me trying to make a buck driving a truck.

Keep it tween the Ditches,

AyreWolf AyreScript Signature

Quote of the day:
You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun. - Al Capone
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

I have seen the Good, the Bad and the Ugly


When I was a mere Wolf Pup at age 11 after mom & Dad stupidly moved here to Idaho, I was a gadget nut. I loved radios of every size, color an type. Most of those interested in my well being thought I’d do that for a career rather than how it turned out, until I figured out how to combine two vocations into one,  more on that later here. So there I was, I was tinkering with this itty bitty CB at home and instead of hooking it up to a regular CB antenna , I hooked it up to a rickety TV antenna. I had no idea I was making a directional antenna at the time, but hey the damn thing worked. After that late at night sitting in my room, I’d tune in all the OTR truckers rolling over I-84 from Bliss to Burley. And over U.S.-30 from Bliss to Buhl all the way to the 30/93 split just outside of Filer Idaho. After a few years I gave up the idea of a law enforcement career since I had a bad habit of heavy go fast pedal, and had acquired a few fast driving awards in front of Judge Shaw out of Gooding Magistrate court, so no going to the police academy for me. But I had friends as cops in the area, loved trucks and loved radio. In the years that followed, through serious efforts the original 4-H truck transportation project club was put together through the Gooding County Extension office by Dad, and our extension worker then, and was called the TeenAge Truckers Association. The group’s short hand became TATA , but many just thought TTA . One of the projects of that club after I had found one and heard it in 1974 was putting together a full service radio station for OTR truckers. Now understand , while I love big trucks and the lifestyle, going long haul was just not in my plans. I wanted to but no one would give an 18 year old a OTR job or damn few, because of lack of experience and insurance. Although I could handle a rig as well as many twice my age the area carriers said no. Plus my Mom had COPD so I could not go for long days at a time, so when I saw Lexi at a local radiator shop then in years to follow in Twin one magical morning, going towing was the sort of trucking I wanted to do, and had dedicated much of my life to that. Back then there was an organization called the Independent Truckers Association or ITA based out of Van Nyes California, a magazine called Overdrive and a forward looking trucking visionary by the name of Mike Parkhurst. Overdrive was created to publicize the goings on of the ITA. In my vision of the TTA , I figured that our radio station thing would work to get the view of our organization out just like Overdrive did for the ITA. So the TTA was modeled in more ways than one, after the ITA, and our public outreach media programs modeled after Overdrive. Now Overdrive did something that few before and even after did when it came to OTR trucks. Overdrive featured tow trucks, back then the popular term was wreckers. They featured a Wrecker of the month. In September of 1978, after my Dad had passed away, I had Lexi and the TTA was looking for a new handle to light the candle, as then and is moving towards this now, but renamed the Road Commanders Club. It was the first organization of its kind that was and still is a not for profit organization of progressive minded OTR truckers, and towing owner/operators, doing what so many claim to do but fall short of the goal line. OOIDA through LandLine and such says they are the first and only organization fighting the fight of OTR trucking , bull stuff. The ITA was there punching through the regulatory manure for the industry. Likewise in our way so was and is the RCC now being reworked to combine the UAITA into one organization that will be the father organization over the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as us in the AyreWolvez.

Okay then enough history, but I wanted to do that to make a point. While the OOIDA and LandLine of which I get in the mail, plus am a member of, just does not have the spice that the OLD Overdrive had. The newer version reads like a corporate publication, not one of and about owner/operator long haul truckers and small fleet towing owner/operators. Likewise even OOIDA and LandLine except near winter ever acknowledges that we in towing exist or are part of the greater trucking industry. In much of OOIDA/Land Line's mind us in towing are a necessary evil, and not much else. But why not bring the two together in harmony? After all both need each other, and issues concerning one concerns the other. There are slight differing elements but over all the rules of the road apply to trucking and towing alike.

I’d like to see in LandLine and all some sort of  column speaking of us in towing. Although I have requested them to do so and even volunteered to write it myself , the idea falls very lightly on someone in OOIDA and LandLines shoulders. Nothing gets said like okay do it. With that said, with the re-emergence of the RCC to be the United Road Commanders Association –of- America, the idea is to put together not only our radio OTA network here in the Mountain West region, but launch in 2012 a full on publication written and produced like the original Overdrive. Right down to the DateMaster and sweet cheek(chicky) centerfold, with a classic OTR truck or tow truck each month. In essence taking the no bull approach of EasyRiders, Magazine, but featuring our gal pals with trucks in clothes rather than bikinis or nudes, with the real news and views of working truckers and towing owner/operators, like the founding Overdrive did, this would be the kind of publication that when it lands in the mail box each month would be a groove to look at and have some wall paper to put on the shop or office wall. Another publication which was bought by Overdrive was Owner/Operator Magazine. They featured a thing called Table Top Trucking, which featured plastic 1/19th to even larger hobby models of trucks. Ours will do that as well. And what about Aviation? You can bet your next log book violation that will be included too. Do not have the title of the new publication yet as its still being tweaked and thought of, but it wont be the boring publication that Overdrive now has become, and that sadly LandLine is becoming. Both need some spice, and who better to do that than us? Okay then; URCAOA news. A reunion of sorts is being planned for mid 2011 in Filer at the Filer Fairgrounds of the I-80 Control CB Club, The JR-14 CB Club, as well as the Hazzard County Knytes(Knytes-of-Anarchy)  And so on. This will be the biggest trucker party ever since our bash in the same town at the same place in 1975. Trucker and toewer rodeo, truck and tow truck beauty contest, wet Wrangler Jeans contest. Vendors and food row and more. Katy Perry and a few other have pledged to be there. Proceeds from the event to go the Make a Wish Foundation, which was started by and is chaired by Bo Duke. Many celebs from the Dukes will be there, in fact the event is being called in part as DukesFest West in reality it is the Hazzard County Nationals. If Sturgis is the biggest thing for bikers, the Hazzard County Nationals will become the event of events for truckers. I’m putting this out now since if you plan on being here best make reservations now. Twin Falls is the closest big town and has the most motels. Next entry

The CB radio, today a needed trucking tool or a truckers toy?

L8R haulers & Hookers

AyreWolf AyreScript Signature  

Quote of the day:
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. - Peter De Vries
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

What many say wasn’t don’t know shit


It’s taken nearly 2 years or so since the legend of the Knytes – of- Anarchy was unleashed back in western Idaho, and even way too many said it wasn’t, or didn’t happen who were not in this valley back in the mid 80’s early 90’s don’t know shit. That was evident previous eve at the Monthly Knytes end of month, meeting. Bro was there along with some of the founding members of the Hazzard Knytes showed and it was a homecoming of sorts. With the discussions on so many things it was hard to keep up, however, thought was brought up, that maybe it’d be keen to promote and stage a Hazzard County Knytes reunion gig come spring to bring old members back together for an all out blast. Invite Ben, Sonny, Roscoe and a few of the cast of the TV show that helped seed this club in one spot in Idaho, and have one damn southern Confederate bang-em up party. All I can say is this. The dopeheads in MHI and area that thought I was the worst thing to drift back into Idaho, really should show up at the Hazzard Jam, next year.

Talked to Becky today, her pulse is beating on all 8 cylinders, seems she's interested in resuming some of her duties. Any way need to relay this out. Next week will be off line until Ma-Bell reconnects the phone in Buhl, in the new place. So be patient. And no did not forget to pay the bill, but just moving the phone from Bliss to Buhl, but knowing Qwest that could take a week, so let ya’ll know when the boot drops.

Jules is on her way out of the stable early this morning. Hope she travels well. It was nice getting to know her, but hey say-la-vee. Happy Trails Sis.

L8R Aviators

AyreWolf AyreScript Signature 

Quote of the day:
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dedication something Union Civvies can’t Grip!!


You can always tell when the areas media personnel get out of church. The local TV stations then and only then start running local TV ads. The thing is from late night Saturday when all but a very few are out sinning and into early Sunday morning when all too many are asking for forgiveness from the sinning of the night before, local TV is all automated and computerized. There is no such thing as someone in the control room punching buttons, or even minding the control board. While there are reasons for it, most I hear is that they can’t afford it as TV ad revenue is down, shit I call that bullshit, since those selling TV ad time locally are so smug and stuck up that must not need money if you can thumb their nose at us in the AyreWolvez and or Knytes-of-Anarchy, and even me here at AyreWolf Aviation and Confederate Star Towing. But there is a sense of duty and commitment that few if any Union civvies can get a grip on, much less engage. They just can’t put down that redneck bottle and do something productive. Now before ya’ll go off here, there is a serious difference in a Union Redneck and a Confederate Appalachian American. Both may have their roots in the sticks and backwoods, both may work on farms feeding a hungry nation, but one is really arrogant and ignorant the other is full of pride and love for nation and tradition, you figure out which is which.

Getting back on the train of thought here. I for one have not had a real vacation or time off from duties for and of The United Confederate States Marines that encompasses the Knytes-of-Anarchy and its siblings, for nearly 25 plus years. Many hours, and very little recreation, oh that don’t mean I don’t go anywhere, but usually it has to do with serving duty to the CMC not just for blowing off steam. This sense of duty began as a youth on a dairy farm just outside of Hazzard, Idaho. Near the town of West-Point Idaho, to the days of going towing to my enlistment in the Confederate Marines I have always been working. Sure not much money if any made, but sense of some completion and victory at times makes up for the loss of money. If one gets into the UCSMC or works for me, the Knytes, SAMCRO etc just for a paycheck then they need not apply. If they engage us, it had better be for the pure love of purity of what we are all about, a paycheck is just a perk, but should never be the reason for enlisting. Some wash out, some remain strong, but all are counted. Wouldn’t it be great if the rest of the Union civilian population thought this way? Perhaps if they did, much of what this nation if not world would not be in the world of hurt they are now.


Col. Montgomery


AyreWolf AyreScript Signature  CMC3LOGO

Matthew 16:25“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”

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A Confederate Marine is still a Marine



There are those who will dispute this entry, but it is one that must be made.

When I was for no really good reason, rejected by the Union’s Marine Corps, I enlisted in the faithful and intelligent Confederate Marines, similar to the AVG.

In 30 years of combat mostly by air and aviation I rose to the rank of Colonel. I saw 3 tours in Iraq, 2 tours in South America and 3 tours in the Solomon Islands.

Even with that and many do not understand the differences and there are very few, but those differences are strictly political philosophy , not dedication to country, or dedication to defending the principals that were made both law and vision of our southern founding fathers. Many of which would be good now and should be recognized by a Union government that has lost its way and its reason for being. The fact is; the saying Once a Marine always a Marine is still the pride of all Marines, Confederate or Union. We have engrained in us from boot camp to the final discharge, swords raised overhead the three things that guide us in our daily lives, Strength, Duty, Sacrifice. And connecting those the circle of honor.

Just remember that this 4th of July, when the Union celebrates the idea of independence, the USA is not independent, nor united. The fact is, A Confederate Marine is still a Marine, and we too deserve honor by the citizens of both our confederacy as well as the Union.


Col. Montgomery


AyreWolf AyreScript Signature   CMC3LOGO

Quote of the day:
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan

Matthew 16:25“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Don’t hold too close those things so dear


There’s a story that my mom used to tell me when I was but a mere Wolf Pup, do not hold the things you love too close. A few years after about age 6 I think there was a diddy on about this young girl who had received a doll that was made of wax. It was crafted of the very finest materials, inks etc and this young girl loved it so much she could not let it out of her sight or part with it. So this little girl took it to bed with her and cuddled all the night through. The next morning the doll was melted the face all out of shape, well you get the idea. In the same light I have been holding the idea albeit upon intense desire, Jules. Who I met only a week ago now who I thought with the right Hazzard County shuck and jive I could get to change her thoughts, and remain on station here and be my personal SheWolf. Of course I held her to close, with the desire that was mere minor friendship for me from her, heat up to a fever affection of more than mere desire on my part for her. And with the dawning of Monday she will be gone. Oh yes I could hinder her departure by informing the authorities that she is driving with no drivers license, no insurance and no legal registration on her iron steed. Two things wrong with that, A; if she knew or found out it was me, that’d be the end of a albeit short but a good friendship. And two it would be putting off what is inevitable to begin with. Since she is promised to another and she has plans to go into the Army. So for a few centons my heart will break a bit, but as one DI told me years ago if it don’t kill you, it just makes you stronger. Plus even if I wanted the relationship to bloom, I couldn’t afford it so why put her through that pain?

On the tarmac.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
She had an unequalled gift... of squeezing big mistakes into small opportunities. - Henry James
Matthew 16:25“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


View from 10,000 feet


Once you begin your descent from above the turbulent atmosphere into lower altitude you then see the serious weather conditions below, its not the same from above angels 10 to angels 30, since at that altitude the sun is purtty much still shining and its still blue sky's, amazing.

Had some quality time with Jules previous evening cleaning out her truck for her departure. which is both a time of sadness and yet a time of reality check , see I had this notion that if time allowed I could finagle her into staying and blooming into the fantastic rose that ye ole Wolf would love to call my own. However the reality check came as I awoke to the fact that even and its very much theoretical at best but even if she did decide to explore the possibles with ye ole Wolf here, and move out of her comfort zone into a more personal examination of things , the real deal here is I could not in no way afford that in both emotional as well as financial. So I put that idea to sleep quick.  While I’d love to plant that seed the situation is ; the heart says yes, the wallet says no. After all look at my plate which is near to overflowing. First its getting to going towing by November, this year. Then its getting back into the air flying by this time next year, and in-between its the radio station resurrection then the Miss AyreWolf/SheWolvez project in September, TV ad for the AyreKnytes which is the redoux of the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, plus the rest of my duties for and of both OOIDA , UAITA, as well as the Knytes-of-Anarchy , there is just so many hours in a day and a lifetime. And my earthly hours are getting fewer. So how could I even cultivate a serious personal SheWolf thing? Even if it were even possible. Considering that we are two peas in a pod, both reputation and attitude wise and all, we really could hit it off. But Jules is involved in going into the Army and all this fall, so we keep in touch and see what happens, maybe , maybe not. All I know is she got my attitude into high altitude, so we see what lifts off the tarmac.

Got a LL from MVM , rate for the Miss AyreWolf/SheWolvez gig in September is more than affordable, so that looks good, still hovering on the idea of a retail aviation store in the mall, is a good concept would it work in Twinky Flatts? Still need to think on it. Talked to both Amy today as well as Kim they think a sort of bad girls model talent agency might be worth exploring, so thinking hard on that.

Any flyte, its cooler tonight into early morning at 03:39 hours, so I’m on the tarmac.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
Turn the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Leviticus 19:18“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”

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