When I was a mere Wolf Pup at age 11 after mom & Dad stupidly moved here to Idaho, I was a gadget nut. I loved radios of every size, color an type. Most of those interested in my well being thought I’d do that for a career rather than how it turned out, until I figured out how to combine two vocations into one, more on that later here. So there I was, I was tinkering with this itty bitty CB at home and instead of hooking it up to a regular CB antenna , I hooked it up to a rickety TV antenna. I had no idea I was making a directional antenna at the time, but hey the damn thing worked. After that late at night sitting in my room, I’d tune in all the OTR truckers rolling over I-84 from Bliss to Burley. And over U.S.-30 from Bliss to Buhl all the way to the 30/93 split just outside of Filer Idaho. After a few years I gave up the idea of a law enforcement career since I had a bad habit of heavy go fast pedal, and had acquired a few fast driving awards in front of Judge Shaw out of Gooding Magistrate court, so no going to the police academy for me. But I had friends as cops in the area, loved trucks and loved radio. In the years that followed, through serious efforts the original 4-H truck transportation project club was put together through the Gooding County Extension office by Dad, and our extension worker then, and was called the TeenAge Truckers Association. The group’s short hand became TATA , but many just thought TTA . One of the projects of that club after I had found one and heard it in 1974 was putting together a full service radio station for OTR truckers. Now understand , while I love big trucks and the lifestyle, going long haul was just not in my plans. I wanted to but no one would give an 18 year old a OTR job or damn few, because of lack of experience and insurance. Although I could handle a rig as well as many twice my age the area carriers said no. Plus my Mom had COPD so I could not go for long days at a time, so when I saw Lexi at a local radiator shop then in years to follow in Twin one magical morning, going towing was the sort of trucking I wanted to do, and had dedicated much of my life to that. Back then there was an organization called the Independent Truckers Association or ITA based out of Van Nyes California, a magazine called Overdrive and a forward looking trucking visionary by the name of Mike Parkhurst. Overdrive was created to publicize the goings on of the ITA. In my vision of the TTA , I figured that our radio station thing would work to get the view of our organization out just like Overdrive did for the ITA. So the TTA was modeled in more ways than one, after the ITA, and our public outreach media programs modeled after Overdrive. Now Overdrive did something that few before and even after did when it came to OTR trucks. Overdrive featured tow trucks, back then the popular term was wreckers. They featured a Wrecker of the month. In September of 1978, after my Dad had passed away, I had Lexi and the TTA was looking for a new handle to light the candle, as then and is moving towards this now, but renamed the Road Commanders Club. It was the first organization of its kind that was and still is a not for profit organization of progressive minded OTR truckers, and towing owner/operators, doing what so many claim to do but fall short of the goal line. OOIDA through LandLine and such says they are the first and only organization fighting the fight of OTR trucking , bull stuff. The ITA was there punching through the regulatory manure for the industry. Likewise in our way so was and is the RCC now being reworked to combine the UAITA into one organization that will be the father organization over the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as us in the AyreWolvez.
Okay then enough history, but I wanted to do that to make a point. While the OOIDA and LandLine of which I get in the mail, plus am a member of, just does not have the spice that the OLD Overdrive had. The newer version reads like a corporate publication, not one of and about owner/operator long haul truckers and small fleet towing owner/operators. Likewise even OOIDA and LandLine except near winter ever acknowledges that we in towing exist or are part of the greater trucking industry. In much of OOIDA/Land Line's mind us in towing are a necessary evil, and not much else. But why not bring the two together in harmony? After all both need each other, and issues concerning one concerns the other. There are slight differing elements but over all the rules of the road apply to trucking and towing alike.
I’d like to see in LandLine and all some sort of column speaking of us in towing. Although I have requested them to do so and even volunteered to write it myself , the idea falls very lightly on someone in OOIDA and LandLines shoulders. Nothing gets said like okay do it. With that said, with the re-emergence of the RCC to be the United Road Commanders Association –of- America, the idea is to put together not only our radio OTA network here in the Mountain West region, but launch in 2012 a full on publication written and produced like the original Overdrive. Right down to the DateMaster and sweet cheek(chicky) centerfold, with a classic OTR truck or tow truck each month. In essence taking the no bull approach of EasyRiders, Magazine, but featuring our gal pals with trucks in clothes rather than bikinis or nudes, with the real news and views of working truckers and towing owner/operators, like the founding Overdrive did, this would be the kind of publication that when it lands in the mail box each month would be a groove to look at and have some wall paper to put on the shop or office wall. Another publication which was bought by Overdrive was Owner/Operator Magazine. They featured a thing called Table Top Trucking, which featured plastic 1/19th to even larger hobby models of trucks. Ours will do that as well. And what about Aviation? You can bet your next log book violation that will be included too. Do not have the title of the new publication yet as its still being tweaked and thought of, but it wont be the boring publication that Overdrive now has become, and that sadly LandLine is becoming. Both need some spice, and who better to do that than us? Okay then; URCAOA news. A reunion of sorts is being planned for mid 2011 in Filer at the Filer Fairgrounds of the I-80 Control CB Club, The JR-14 CB Club, as well as the Hazzard County Knytes(Knytes-of-Anarchy) And so on. This will be the biggest trucker party ever since our bash in the same town at the same place in 1975. Trucker and toewer rodeo, truck and tow truck beauty contest, wet Wrangler Jeans contest. Vendors and food row and more. Katy Perry and a few other have pledged to be there. Proceeds from the event to go the Make a Wish Foundation, which was started by and is chaired by Bo Duke. Many celebs from the Dukes will be there, in fact the event is being called in part as DukesFest West in reality it is the Hazzard County Nationals. If Sturgis is the biggest thing for bikers, the Hazzard County Nationals will become the event of events for truckers. I’m putting this out now since if you plan on being here best make reservations now. Twin Falls is the closest big town and has the most motels. Next entry
The CB radio, today a needed trucking tool or a truckers toy?
L8R haulers & Hookers
Quote of the day: Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. - Peter De Vries
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
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