Once you begin your descent from above the turbulent atmosphere into lower altitude you then see the serious weather conditions below, its not the same from above angels 10 to angels 30, since at that altitude the sun is purtty much still shining and its still blue sky's, amazing.
Had some quality time with Jules previous evening cleaning out her truck for her departure. which is both a time of sadness and yet a time of reality check , see I had this notion that if time allowed I could finagle her into staying and blooming into the fantastic rose that ye ole Wolf would love to call my own. However the reality check came as I awoke to the fact that even and its very much theoretical at best but even if she did decide to explore the possibles with ye ole Wolf here, and move out of her comfort zone into a more personal examination of things , the real deal here is I could not in no way afford that in both emotional as well as financial. So I put that idea to sleep quick. While I’d love to plant that seed the situation is ; the heart says yes, the wallet says no. After all look at my plate which is near to overflowing. First its getting to going towing by November, this year. Then its getting back into the air flying by this time next year, and in-between its the radio station resurrection then the Miss AyreWolf/SheWolvez project in September, TV ad for the AyreKnytes which is the redoux of the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, plus the rest of my duties for and of both OOIDA , UAITA, as well as the Knytes-of-Anarchy , there is just so many hours in a day and a lifetime. And my earthly hours are getting fewer. So how could I even cultivate a serious personal SheWolf thing? Even if it were even possible. Considering that we are two peas in a pod, both reputation and attitude wise and all, we really could hit it off. But Jules is involved in going into the Army and all this fall, so we keep in touch and see what happens, maybe , maybe not. All I know is she got my attitude into high altitude, so we see what lifts off the tarmac.
Got a LL from MVM , rate for the Miss AyreWolf/SheWolvez gig in September is more than affordable, so that looks good, still hovering on the idea of a retail aviation store in the mall, is a good concept would it work in Twinky Flatts? Still need to think on it. Talked to both Amy today as well as Kim they think a sort of bad girls model talent agency might be worth exploring, so thinking hard on that.
Any flyte, its cooler tonight into early morning at 03:39 hours, so I’m on the tarmac.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
Turn the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Leviticus 19:18“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |