Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Code

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There is albeit not written but the Confederate Marines have a Code, that we all live by, swear to and at times die with. The Code goes; Unit, Corps, God, Confederate States. There are parts of that, that reach into other areas of our lives and as such scares the shit out of those not so inclined. The fact that once a Confederate Marine, Always a Confederate Marine, is something that makes up our inner core. And something I work to live up to everyday. This though can make me appear and perhaps I am, but I seem from the outside as others perceive me, as too much of an Alpha Male. This can also cause alarm from those who do not know me. Even if a kind word is said or a gesture of being kind and/or considerate, can be looked upon as ye ole Wolf about to make a snack out of a younger Red Ridding Hood. Case-n-Point; the young teen that lived next to me in GF a few years ago. Sure I could have been smug and probably should have done so, but when she was whimpering about the fact she didn’t have green to get school supplies, I suggested her doing one of our TV ads for the tow service. But what happened? GF thought and it was a very wrong thought , that the Big Bad Wolf was going to do something horrendous with the neighbor teen. BULLSHIT. Was that what started the crap out of MHI? Even though that although I had signed up with the local news rag up there to do a blog, I should have just withdrawn it. Considering the hail storm that followed. Maybe there is something that I do not see there. Since none of us see ourselves or our behavior like others see it. What was it that made me such an evil threat that got so many so uptight there? Was it that I wanted to do up a hangar at the GF Airport and in the course fix the damn place up at my , repeat MY expense? Was it that I wanted to assist the MH, Cable Access channel and spent a bunch of money on that I’ll never get back on? Just what was so bad that I did there? The Devil himself is the only one who knows since Kahless is still shaking his head in wonderment. As far as being a fraud, hmmm lets see, I own a real business, with a real state and federal tax number. As well as am registered with the State of Idaho. Okay so the trucks need to be given a makeover. That’s what I’m doing now, since I finally after how long ? Got into a real shop. Have I asked anyone except for our Nurse GoodBody for anything just for me? No. Okay so I didn’t do the real USMC, my Dad did that, but does that mean through my efforts I can’t give something back to those that are serving? So I am a Confederate Marine. If my slightly off plumb existence thrives with that and I don’t hurt anyone, who should care? I serve both our Confederate States as well as the Union in my own way. Now This might be part of the thing that rubs all too many the wrong way. But yes the Knytes-of-Anarchy, the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association and Hazzard County Choppers, really exist. I am not the President of any of them. I am however considered the XO, or Executive Officer of these fine organizations, that does what many fear to do. For those who never believed that things are real, I invited all of them who call me a liar, etc to come look with their own eyes. But guess what? They chickened out. Likewise anytime that it looks like the club or me is about to get things rolling, the mighty filthy fifty of MHI has to stick their bored beaks into it and shut me or the club down. Which means whatever project it is takes that much longer. Their loss our gain, since things are looking good. The club, myself, AyreWolf Aviation, Dixie and BlackSheep Towing has survived the poor economic depression,of the new Century, while the economic sores of the Union have not healed and wont as long as Union leaders especially that Black bastard in the White-House is in charge, along with his henchmen , but the sores are scabbing over, and that’s a sign of healing. I don’t see a full recovery for this union until 2015 and for Idaho not until the turn of the next Century. But as one that sees what few others see, I keep fighting to help the state, the CSA and albeit, the Union to recover. But the Code comes first and thats a thirst that must be quenched continually.

See ya’ll Sunday

L8R Confederate Aviators

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Quote of the day:
It's kind of fun to do the impossible. - Walt Disney

Psalm 119:7“I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.”

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