There is a lesson taught early in the Marines, that sezz; Never Admit Defeat and Never Surrender. The bottom line here is to never ever give up. The basics for this is not unusual since being defeated or surrendering means being captured or killed. In the current era at least for the AyreWolvez in our ongoing efforts to bring to light or at least into your ears is a radio station similar to AFRN but being done by civilians as well as reassigned military officers and Veterans. That is our main mission reporting news of our armed forces regardless of branch of service, to those sitting at home as well as exporting recorded versions of our programming to those deployed. The secondary mission of the radio station is to be the voice of America’s Highway, mainly truckers, us in towing and yes the biker community.
Now many out there will say, oh shit here we go again, but understand that one can’t just put a damn radio station just anywhere. First there is the search to find a frequency that will not interfere with another station. Then that same channel has to be in an allocation that few if any have bid on or is available to even put up a tower and station, then there are tons and tons of paperwork, and dealing with the FCC and all takes time. All of which is just about to be harvested. It took a heap amount of time to bring this crop to harvest but its ready for picking, so-to-speak. Even with a few of the boo-boo’s we have undertaken to get to this point we never and I never gave up. Now there are those that ask why? Because no one else is doing what we as a group have in mind to put on a station, more over few care like I do, to give something back to the many who have worn and currently wear a uniform serving in our nations military. Union or Confederate and especially Confederate, Military. Why shouldn’t those from our Confederate Armed Forces be acknowledged? Plus through the station if we can generate some of our bread and butter money with maybe a bit left over means less fund raising and more doing. Not just yapping.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door. - Paul Beatty
John 15:10“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |