Why is it just online and by just a few that are so blinded with improperly directed hate for just me, that I find that I’m the target for so much not deserved defamation. Yet seems throughout all of the rest of the valley I’m regarded with not only friendship, but real respect? Is it just my heritage of Mom & Dad’s wealth, that they respect. The giving of our family to so many although never deserving, or is it just that not everybody is in the mode of hate is just MHI? Did way too many in that area not understand or did not elect to understand that I only meant to help rather than cause discontent? With that in your grips I have found that its not just Idaho running in reverse as well as a accepted mode of go slow, or woa. Many areas of the Mountain West , are examining their economic improvement programs and just doing a discrete careful stealth examination of future development.
Even as progressive as Utah is, there are signs of reservation on behalf of too rapid over construction and serious holding back of industrial construction. The other side of this album is this, technology improvements are being rethought if even engaged. While other areas of the Union is putting into place plans to get in the race of funds available to move even the rural areas into broadband Internet access, and media operations. These funds are being presented and offered by such government agencies as the FCC which just last month declared a need to bring to bare nationwide broadband. When the same agency through some serious arm twisting by major large TV stations and networks pulled the plug on analog TV signals in favor of Digital signals, the same agency has put forth a ruling to allow experimentation of the use of those small analog signals by rural areas and LPTV stations. Where a direct use would not conflict with local public safety and broadband internet communications. Yet there are areas in our territories that are not looking at just what could be. Its more like leave it be, attitude. Is there a fix? Yes, but there are those who put me and the Knytes including the AyreWolvez down because we wish to explore these things. Nope can’t do that because one of their jobs might be just hanging on a slight string.
Next entry, are those involved in the Mental Health field more apt to get messed up, or more so than those they propose to help?
Quote of the day:
A sense of duty is useful in work, but offensive in personal relations. People wish to be liked, not be endured with patient resignation. - Bertrand Russell
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