Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stranger shit has happened

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If one were to name some of the strangest things to happen in ones military life, being stationed in the Solomon Islands might be one of those things. Flying through the slot on both dedicated missions as well as those of strafing targets of opportunity. So I awoke this morning and trucked to the local store for some moo juice and of course there was cheerleaders getting a Coppertone tan, and needing funds doing a truck wash. So I indulged. Problem was although I never said it but saw the most delicious vulvas and limbs that were just oozing flowing streams of cream that this old Wolf wanted to just lap em up. Hey don’t get me wrong, I’m not into child or even teen porn, but when you see prime honey displaying that they are into playing might as well look any way, right? Okay but that’s not the strangest thing, of the past week. Thursday went into that One place in Buhl for a burger and brew. The burger was way too doughy and the bacon fried to a crispy crisp, the Bud draft a bit flat, but the honey serving was un-nerving. She is a beauty and ultimately gave me her phone number and such with out much fuss. She’s my age and the race is just getting started. Problem is for once I’m timid to ask her out. But hey Stranger shit has happened.

L8R Confederate aviators

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Quote of the day:
Confusion is always the most honest response. - Marty Indik
Philippians 1:6“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

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