Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Now that we got it what do we do with it?

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Ok , fine, finalized on the office in Twin yesterday, and think, and I only think we have a good business associates outfit there, but now that we have the forking office, what the hell do we do with it? Considering we as a group and me, need to bail out the gear and all from Gooding and so on. It does make me scratch my head. With that said Bill here in Buhl got us the joint here. Thing is first we had nothing, now we have too much. Now that said I can deal here, buy newer gear, with the help of Kelly, with help both in engineering as well as buying REAL broadcast gear we should be in most of ya’lls ears by mid October if not just after the first of the year. AyreWolf FM is on its way into the ayrewaves. But too make damn sure that was has occurred before with doing too much too soon, mainly hiring outside SOA/KOA talent we are not going that route. Lets get a revenue stream flowing before we get to owing too many more peoples. The thing is with the place here in Buhl, Lexi can be within a few blocks rather than the 25 miles to Jerome all the time.

Okay had a call back today from a critic that said she thought more skin is in. I tend to disagree. Since if you think about it, if you consider that many of the hot looks are done with babes in threads rather than just bikini’s. Example? When Michelle Pfeiffer was in Batman the movie. It was her in albeit plastic trash bags , but those skin tight threads made her much more alluring than she would have been if she’d been in anything or not in anything more than a bikini, etc. Threads on a hot female body is like Tabasco sauce on eggs. Sure the eggs without are good, but the Tabasco sauce makes it much better. More on this later today. Ning Site is going to be off line for Tuesday as they update it.

L8R Confederate Aviators

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Quote of the day:
Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking. - Dave Barry
1 John 1:7“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

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