When diplomacy fails, attack.
Taming this Wolf has been tried before. Not that I’m a serious villain or anything, but I will admit I am a radical, rebellious, Confederate that was and is tired of being told no. More over I have always been quite wyld a bit too wyld to be in a conservative hell conservative Victorian , 100 plus years in the rear area, of the state of Idaho, that is still trying to catch up to not only modern tymez but modern thinking. Oh yes there are many getting there, but progress is extremely slow. Several years ago Boise was pegged as the number 15th best place to start and grow a business. Today Boise barely rates in as number 25 somewhere. I was looking over a page from Military.com about the best places to find a job. Although close to the lower part of the list, but there was Salt Lake City, at the top s Austin Texas. Boise, in fact now where in or Idaho was even on that list. Why? Hey it’s Idaho. Where wyld progressive ideas are squished before they even get off the tarmac. Which is why I’m always criticized because I want progress. I want to see growth and I want to see in my lifetime modernization . But there is no room for that in Idaho, and anyone who is pro growth, is pegged as crazy, delusional, fraud etc. But here is the broken piece of that glass. If I were a fraud, would I have not one, but 3 phone listings? Would I put my REAL name on things, like blogs etc? Would I have both a Federal Employer ID #, state tax commission number? If I were a fake would I be so much out there as I am, able to be found everywhere? More over if I was such a phony would not the law have locked me up long time ago? Bet your ass they would. Yet the ones barking like a Chawawa hide behind assumed screen names. Even when they contact other sites to tell them how bad I am. Yet I’m out there as vivid as can be. The fear by them and we know who them is; is that I and the AyreWolvez might just gain some momentum and show them up. The bottom line is its a simple range war and the Knytes, AyreWolvez and I are the ones with the target on our backs. For attempting to improve the area’s attractiveness to outside big dollar business’s plus bringing in a element previously not here and that scares the shit out of most of them. I bring to the north the idea of a modern Confederacy whose time not has come , but is vital to preserve America. It’s not just me of course. From the Confederate National Party, to The United Confederate States of America, that hopefully will some day include such progressive minded states as Arizona who is pressing on slamming the doors on invasions of illegal Mexican’s into our nation that Utah is looking to adopting, and hopefully so will Idaho. The reason Obamabeenlyin is scared shitless about the Arizona immigration bill is that Obama himself is in this nation Illegally, yet he is President of the Union. If Arizona’s bill becomes law in more than one or two states, if Obama goes there and get’s pulled over or needs to otherwise prove his citizenship he gets the boot from the Union. That would be damn emberassising wouldn’t it? The more states that secede from the Union and joins the CSA, the better. But for some that’s saying something that’s very dangerous and not tolerable. So guess what? To help prevent that, many feel the need to demean me and the Knytes-of-Anarchy, which includes the AyreWolvez .
The worst of the putawks is one who goes by the sn, Anon6.
Bottom line I have been diplomatic. Diplomacy has failed. It’s time for battle. No more needs to be said.
But there is no taming this Wolf, and I’m sharpening my teeth. The AyreWolvez are getting ready to byte.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
A conservative is a man who sits and thinks, mostly sits. - Woodrow Wilson
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