Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Websites and Computers don’t know everything

Wolfs Lair Block Header awl header bare

My dear Mom used to tell me that computers and the like were only as smart as the people who program it. The situation of the condition of this mission is that , not every computer knows everything and most times these sensitive electronic slaves are not as accurate as we’d like. Case-n-Point, went to a site to look over things about Comic Con. A que asked if tv smart submit a site. So I attempted to submit this one. Nearly got there but when it asked for an additional url, I had no idea. In short fuggled up. Okay, but even with that, there are times that even if you are registered with a site, it’ll forget you after a period of time , if you don’t log in. Its like great site by the flyway, but when it asks me to log in, it says can’t remember my log in details. Even if I put that in my automatic log in skew.

Then there is the period of time, long before the cyber highway was ever much more than Bill Gates and Steve Job’s wet dreams, that information on certain things are rare if available at all. Example; look up the ITA, sometime. Little if anything comes up. Even though the ITA was one of if not the leading OTR Independent truckers organization up until the great strike in 1982 initiated by Mike Parkhurst who was President of the ITA, whom you saw on the movie, Smokey and the Bandit, as he stood in front of the green GMC truck with the OVERDRIVE magazine decal on the bug shield.

Getting back on course here.

Even as notable as both the Road Commanders (us then before Dukes) Club, was and even after as the Hazzard County Knytes(us before 2008) there is little if anything Google-able on us. Until hell 1998 when I first got a Internet capable computer and even after that it was not until the Utah elections in 2004 when a candidate for Davis County Commissioner , introduced me to Blogger, that anything began to rise about our organization online.

While there is much I have to learn about how to use a computer, hell I don’t even know how to cut and paste, I am learning. And with the help of the crew of the Tek Hut as a new supporter of the AyreWolvez I’ll get there. Hell might even learn how to put things up on YouTube.

But closing this out since my arthritis is acting up, Computers and the Cyber Highway don’t know everything, and Google don’t know everything.

The great TV project and why, next entry.

L8R Confederate Aviators

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Quote of the day:
To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all. - Peter McWilliams
Philippians 3:14“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

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