Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ignorance and arrogance Not Bliss !!

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Warm weather it has been today. Needs to moderate it does.

Had a discussion the other day with a new recruit to the Confederate Marine Corps at the TF County Fair , that was not all it was promoted to be, but then few things are.

But the conversation was concerning the abilities to fly in The CMC. Which I feel is among the most valuable skills to be learned in the UCSMC. On the modern battlefield wars and conflicts will not be won by ground troops, more conflicts will be fought and victory will go to those who master aviation skills. But the new recruit thought it, that no personalization was given by the situation of shoot and forget weapons that are part of the arsenal of the modern military ayrecraft. The thinking being Air to Air combat is not going to last, and the days of serious A2A is a thing of the past. However while there is partial agreement there, fact is that despite the shoot and forget weapons, you still have to visually confirm your kill. That being such if what you shot at , still is breathing, you still see what you shot up close and personal, and that can result in immediate A2A .

With that said A2A skills are still required and must be improved and honed continually.

So there is not any sort of complete credibility of the demise of A2A skills training.

Okay I saw on you know whose attack site, that there are few that can scan and confirm that yours truly, is a certified aviator.

There is some albeit not entirely validity to that claim. My skills are strictly listed in the halls and all of the UCSMC, which are not transferable from military aviation to civilian aviation. While some of those skills can be forwarded as learned credit, only the CFI and the FAA’s civilian tests can finalize that transference. Thus, one needs to go through a reputable aviation training school.  Which I am in the process of doing. After all, shouldn’t the one who owns AyreWolf Aviation and the XO of the AyreWolvez be in the cockpit, not just in the hangar spinning wrenches? My weight was called into the question. Yes I’ll fully agree that I am heavy, but not overly so, and while I passed my FAA phys exam, the recommendation by the examining medic said I need to loose 65 pounds to be in top condition for the missions I’m working to be able to fly. With that in your grip, I have signed up with 24 Hour Fitness in Twin, which besides physical conditioning I will get both diet and nutritional instruction to enable me to be fit to do A2A on many farm fields, Fire suppression , and other services which are the operations that AyreWolf Aviation specializes in.

The other condition and this gets back to how you determine that your gun hit the target. How can , you know who, can say what is going on with me without personally getting off their butts, out from behind that computer screen, and come see for themselves? They can’t . They wont so their bitching is moot. But some busy bodies can’t help themselves, so what can you do. But ignorance and arrogance is not bliss. All it can do is just continue a childish turff war that no longer is needed or required.

But as infantile as some Yankees and I’m not talking of the baseball team are, you just have to consider the source and fly on.

Don’t forget , B-Flyte meeting Monday at 18:00 hours here at the Wolf’s Lair and the general membership meeting next week at Knytes Hall.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
For every person who wants to teach there are approximately thirty people who don't want to learn--much. - W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman

2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

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