Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Knyte Prowl


Have you ever thought, I know if your thinking why are you reading this? Just kidding, no; have you thought how proficient your night to early morning as it becomes dawn is? Granted it’s a IFR for sure as your VFR is not as acute as it might be during day light hours, but night flying is a truly humbling experience. As I flew home last night through some choppy weather through a moon lit sky , mostly to tend to duties here at B-Flyte HQ including doing payroll for the ayrecrew the scenes on my HUD and that erry green glow coming off my Garmin screen , it is a magical time for sure.

Now to get to some business. The AyreWolvez , Utah Charter, have a great display at this years Utah State Fair, and got to thinking, no I was not drinking, but I got to thinking, how is it B-Flyte screwed the pooch on having an exhibit this year at one of Idaho’s fairs? Maybe next year.

I also felt the chill in the ayre, and need to ask ya’ll are you rather have you started thinking about winterizing your byrd for the winter season? More on that in an upcoming blog.

Finally , need to remind ya’ll here in the AyreWolvez, of the Reno AirShow. Coming up in two weeks. Flying, The Lady, down there for display, next years will be one of some note as yours truly will set a happening never before done. Putting an F-4-U Corsair against a P-51 Mustang, in a timed race and aerobatics contest. I say at 16,000 feet I can out do the Mustang.

As I was climbing out of THE LADY this morning, smacked my elbow on the arm pad right against the funny bone. Never have understood why they call it a funny bone, since if you hit it against anything, it sure ain’t funny. Crazy bone maybe, as it’ll make you crazy for a few minutes as you speak some serious Latin.

Any flyte, need some sleep, so no phone or other calls today friends, this old Wolf needs rest.

L8R Confederate Aviators



Quote of the day:
If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. - George Carlin
Proverbs 22:6“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”

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