Normally when a member from outside our Wolf-Pack here gets involved in our operations, it becomes a time of dread. Especially if its from outside press. Within our Wolf-Pack most if not everything can be controlled, when its outside it is beyond our immediate grasp. Yesterday was visited by a member of the Times News. something I welcomed. Thing is, the gal, was pointed in her questions, as any good journalist would and should be.
Most of the concept of releasing the story on AyreWolf FM was to generate the ink to give the upcoming ads in said paper a kick in the right direction. However as one of the board officers reminded me, there are a few of those we still owe some money too that no doubt will come out of the woodwork. So I’m hoping that Josh and crew does not name all of our supporting sponsors at least not yet.
But the fact that we got anyone’s attention of any media is a step in the forward direction. With that said, and I must get this out, AyreWolfFM is not an attempt to gain fortune or fame. Its to put out a radio show 24/7 365, that delivers for all who currently fly for, or flew for the defense of this nation. Both from an informative as well as an entertainment point of view or in this case over Internet streaming radio as well as OTA(Over the Air) Radio come March 2011. So Josh when you read this Blog, tell Ms. Blair to go gingerly on our supporting sponsors, okay?
October is a big month , for many OTR drivers out there. October is the anniversary of the launch of Overdrive Magazine. Overdrive in its original form, was the printed voice of the Independent Truckers Association, from which much of the membership of our co-parent organization the United American Independent Truckers Association came from. The ITA, was in the support of the formation of what later became us. It was in this light to mirror what Overdrive was in pictorial fashion that we began posing hot women with trucks and later with our warbirds. I posted a video on this blog site for you to all watch, to get the idea.
In closing, was a good day for us yesterday. Just hope the Times News goes easy on me and the club. I also need to remind the few out there who don’t know. It’s not just my dime or dollar that makes the radio station and all we do as a club of vintage military warbird enthusiasts possible, but its the collective of all of us that makes it possible.
Yesterday , got word from D-O-D, that 30% of BFlyte of the Wolf Pack will be home by Xmas. Some of the rest are going to Afghanistan. While a few more, including 80% of A-Flyte will be going to China, and Korea. So our work here is not yet done and will continue.
Final landing this morning. We are still looking for financial contributions, to build our Military Aviators Memorial Wall here in Buhl. I know times are tough for many of you all, (Josh pay attention here) but our freedom has been made possible in many conflicts by our forces in the air. Not just those fellow brethren on the ground. I urge you to dig as deep as you can to help support this cause. The money will be used to buy the plot of land as well as in the construction of the Wall itself. Its one thing to treasure these byrds we restore, lets not forget those who flew in them and gave their lives in them for us. For more 411 on this , give me a landline.
Fly well today, and keep your wings level.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
There ought to be one day-- just one-- when there is open season on senators. - Will Rogers
Titus 2:2“Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |