Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maybe yes, maybe not, who really cares?


A few weeks ago, towards the end of last month, I went over to Twin to see if I could find some Wixx filters for a project I was working on. So my friend that was with me , needed a smoke, and we were a spit shot from the Times News, so I said wonder if ye ole Times News would do up a story on the club or at least about the radio station project. The idea was if we got a story in the local paper, we might be able to stir up some fire to ease the ability to sell or rather presell some ad time to some area companies during the TF co, Fair or at least start doing some needed fund raising. Understanding that while doing better than most still funds are strained here at the Wolf’s Lair., So my pal lit up his smoke I went into the Times News, met a purtty cool dude named Josh. He said there would be a reporter calling on me. Now I have an idea that this female reporter had once applied to the club for doing duty at the original run of assembling of the radio werx in Gooding. Whatever it was, this reporter was not going to just take my word for it. Okay grand. So after spending my time, that I could have used for serious rest and snoozin , little if nothing was done on the newspaper gig. It just did not happen. Now I suppose if I were to give names, phone numbers etc of members, some still deployed, some who do not even live here or near here anymore that might do alot for credibility issues. But the fact that included in the Duties I have as being the XO(Executive Officer) of the club, one of my tasks is to be the mouthpiece for the club. From many things, many think I’m the President of either or both the Knytes or the AyreWolvez. Thing is although the club has moved right alongside of me and chapters or as we call them Charters of the club have been established where I have moved to, I have never ever wanted to be the President of either club. Although when this gig jumps the track I catch hell, still I don’t want to be in the spot of making decisions. I do he footwork, do the prelim investigation on a project, then deliver my report and my thoughts on the feasibility of a project, go home, get a brew and leave it up to the club, or clubs as to what they want to do. I only act as per directorate of the clubs President, I never initiate anything on my own as far as the club itself. So then, saw on one of my inbox Email’s today that another seatcover reporter of the Times News wants to do a diddy on the Knytes, which is fine. Any publicity is good publicity as it would help us to generate some extra funds, that are really needed right now, to be able to launch the radio station on time. But should I hold my breath for the Times News? Maybe yes, maybe not, which one do you think it will be?

See ya’ll overnight on the Nyte Prowl, of AyreWolf Radio.

L8R Aviators

WOLFS LAIR SIG 225pxVma214a

Quote of the day:
Critics search for ages for the wrong word, which, to give them credit, they eventually find. - Peter Ustinov
Romans 15:7“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

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