Monday, September 6, 2010

Myths and facts

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There are so many partly reported myths concerning this old Wolf, that after awhile some things need clarifying. First of all I have not now, nor even in the past been any kind of mental patient. The fact that I have PTSD, after some serious mind trauma is not enough to make me so unstable that I could not get a full Commercial farm application pilot or aviators certificate. Part of the process, I’m currently going through with a health professional in Twin Falls is to certify that I’m as sane as can be.

As far as claims that I ever was arrested not convicted for but arrested for playing super cop is true. The first time was over a mis understanding by the Power County Sheriffs office during an election which threatened his re-election possibilities, so I got locked up until after that election, which was over a weekend , but the charge was dropped, and life went on. In Pocatello, same thing , bullshit thrown by my XYL Suzi, but again never convicted. A charge of impersonating an officer , is a felony , thus, you can’t vote or hold public office after. Guess what? I can vote, and in time plan on running for a public office in 2012.

There are many others and in a future blog I will enlighten ya’ll on those.

Happy Labor Day.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. - Albert Einstein

John 14:23“Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”

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