Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is no time to be splitting hairs


In any group , your going to find that if there is more than two people involved, not everybody is going to agree on everything. Time and diplomacy gains the majority of understanding and thus a common grounds to proceed. Words though have more than one definition. Case-n-Point, the word hooker has several meanings and even mindsets, The word Hooker can mean a lady for rent, someone who goes fishing for a living or as in my case ; tow truck driver//owner. Yet many will gravitate towards the first meaning. And despite one’s efforts to change that mindset, you can’t get beyond definition number 1. Such was the thing when Highway Hooker, Towing a subsidiary of Dixie Towing of Idaho. When Highway Hooker Towing looked at setting up a terminal in CokeVille Wyoming a town of 504 people with only maybe 10 of that 504 being none LDS, thought the meaning of Hooker was that of the tradional meaning. Not opening up their minds enough to think hey there might be another definition to the name. Likewise had one of our fellow Sons of Confederate Veterans who thought of the word Anarchy being something other than being what we are. If one is to look up the word Anarchy, you’ll find several meanings or definitions to that word. The thought that one is a rebel, none conformist mucho none or anti establishment, is very much a definition of the word Anarchy. But the limited focus of one , gravitated to the concept of the word to being one of ancient German or Soviet history. Just like the word Tow or Toe, both words are pronounced the same, but because of spelling means different things. Although and I admit to this many like myself going  toewing can pull the definition into a few shades of gray. Yet even the word Pervert, for most means one who is into obscure sexual activities, yet the word is of the same as both Rebel, none conformist, even Confederate. Does that mean that Confederates are sexual deviants? No, and would a Confederate outwardly say they are perverts? No, but its the way one looks at the wording that can create the minds understanding. Are those of us going toewing Hookers, yes as it is an old skool cb radio term meaning  one driving a tow truck, but for many the word means quite the difference.

That all said the issues and concerns our world even nation today are too complex and very much too important to be splitting hairs over simple terminology.

The fact that I , was asking for money , might have had something to do with the finding fault mission, but , demonstrating ones true determination and dedication to resurrecting Dixie , is one who is willing to give up ones resources including both financial as well as shedding blood. If you don’t believe in something enough to fetch up some cash to support it, then you truly do not believe. You then are nothing more than what we termed in the Confederate Marines as a J.A.F.O.(Just, Another Fracking, Observer).

Okay then, if a restrictive conservative state like Utah can accept a name for a company like Highway Hooker Towing, when others might want to find fault with it, where do you think the club as a whole has a better chance of success? Heck even the Utah Department of Commerce, allowed us to register the name in its company listings, the Utah Highway Patrol was willing to allow the name to roll on a company going toewing , LDS bad? Depends on where your at.

Like I said, its no time to be splitting hairs.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children. - Bill Watterson
Hebrews 10:30-31“For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

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