Thursday, August 19, 2010

AyreWolf ’s Wolf Prowl


So there I was this morning, watching TV , the E channel, and right after the show I was a watchin comes this infomercial about a product called , the Brazilian Butt Lift. Butt Lift? I could think of a ton of names to call something, but Butt Lift? Okay, then others think I have an evil carnal mind. The marketing director of this company , must have known this was aiming at a soft porn term at best, but then I guess it depends on how much money your willing to pay that dictates decency. That said if the fashion industry and so on is going after plus sizes and saying that even big is beautiful, makes you wonder why sooo many are into dropping to size 6. Tyra Banks caught hell over the past few days over some promo for ANTM with an applicant with a waste that only took two small hands to circle. Talking about being thin or at least healthier, I’m taking on much more weight than I’d like. While I do some home personal PT, its not doing much, so rolling over to Gold’s Gym in Twin to see what can be done. Loose my pot gut and reduce my butt size, plus build some pecs so I look up to spec.

Myths are made to be broken or at least some ideas of what is, rather than what could be. I/e ; used to be said that models are to be tall. I will not say it was just us at SSX Media, but I wont say it wasn’t either. We began saying put some meat on the legs and so what if the gal is a bit on the petite , camera will elongate the look as well as some photo work , can make even the shortest, slightly plump model talent look good. Over the years Southern Steele Xpress Media has set the standards boldly doing what few dared before, but after we did it, the whatever it was that was dangerous waters to wade through by the other local media found those waters were not as choppy as the mainstream media thought. In fact much of it was acceptable. Speaking of media.

Yesterday had a conference call with 8-Ball and his boss who owns a rather large commercial production firm, whose clients include Ford, GM, Larry Miller, and even Maverick stores. His boss is looking to do a merge with us at SSX Media in doing not only ads for AyreWolfFM and KDXC, but featuring us here in the AyreWolvez on a few of the productions they do. I fact working up a weekly TV show based on us. I think our time has arrived. Now I’m going to hear growls and tears from some local government and community leader types asking why did we not use a local firm to do this? Why did we not use local people in the productions, and so on? The fact is Nurse GoodBody was the only one that truly stepped up, stepped out and is willing to go the distance. In fact Ellie May, is in demand all over the region. I’d be willing to bet in time that Ellie May will be on the Oscar Awards very soon for a few of the gigs she’s been in. The fact that Ellie May stepped up to work with us, means she wants it. not just sitting at home wishing. Many more could have, been there. Could still be, but its one thing to say you want to be there, its another to really do what it takes to realize it, and make it happen. As we have seen on many episodes of ANTM as well as the Ultimate Coyote Talent Search on CMT, for the Coyote Ugly Saloon. Its not just our Idaho locals, nationally, many women search out the need for fame, but just do not have the juice or real want to get there. Nurse GoodBody impressed me from the first phone call. Not taking anything away from Emmie Lou but Ellie May, on our first phone interview , when I said I needed to see her in nylon hose, did not ask why, or fudge in the least, only asked did I want to see her in stockings or Pantyhose . When she did arrive, there was no hesitation when I wanted to do a test shot of nose and lips to toes in hose. Off came the heels and it was a done deal. More over Ellie May drove over from Jerome, to Gooding, to a lonely radio studio at near midnight on some seriously bad winter roads, without even any restrictions. She Did not need her hubby, boyfriend or other male BFF she came over did the work, and it was because of her that we as a club, me as a person, SSX Radio was within milliseconds of going to a $200,000.00 per month income. It was only because good old Strickland had too narrow a vision that pulled that plug. In October the gear gets back in my hands, the office/studio in Buhl will be ready, and on November 1st SSX Radio goes back into and on the air, both online as well as over the air(OTA).

Yesterday pulling out of Riddley’s Food store here, cussed out this old fart for not using his turn signal. When I myself coming out of the lot , I also never used my turn signal, should byte thy lip before opening jowls huh? Same thing which brings me to what I started with this morning. Saw I don’t know how many , really big butt’d women particularly Mexicans coming out of the store, thinking that isn’t it amazing that except for a can bigger than fuel tanks on a Kenworth, most Mexican women look good. Its that fat ass that makes one pass. Then I looked at myself and thought, “boy ya’ll should not talk, your butt is big too” Which getting back on the pure organic diet from Nurse GoodBody, and some better more aggressive PT, should be back to my 180 pound status.

Last butt not least, on the subject of building stuff where it don’t belong, not only is a Muslim building a terrorist HQ , disguised as a Mosque in NYC at the site of ground zero of 911, but now some Yankee’s are wanting to build a Casino on the site where a major battle of the war tween the states was fought at Gettysburg PA. Calling it the Mason/Dixon Casino. If this don’t get your gray blood flowing.

Any mile much to do today, got to download much from our Ning’s sites as they will go dark here on Saturday in anticipation of putting all of that on our site come November. A site of our own, owned by us, ran by us and Abacast. Need to do wash and clean house. More overnight Tonight into Friday. See ya’ll here and on the air.

L8R Confederate Aviators

WOLFS LAIR SIG   csaflag

0827_04e ablogcootersig

Quote of the day:
For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news. - Gloria Borger

1 John 5:12“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”

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