Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not without provocation


I guess we all do things at times without thinking. A bad day or month at the office, fighting foes that can’t be fought and it’ll get to you and you spout off without thinking. In doing so you shoot yourself in the foot.  As such I will admit I messed up by spouting off to Cable-One’s Ad department. Now to be fair I will say I lead them down a one way street before and as such they were gun shy to take us on. And as I had made peace with Desi at Cable-One in Idaho Falls Idaho, I thought we were in like flint. Just waiting for a schedule and a quote to proceed. Which was fine. However part of my spouting off was not without provocation. Even after I had made arrangements and peace with Cable-One, I get an email from the Twin Falls office, that says there is no way they could or would service the account, this was before my spouting off. Since the email was how I was able to send a copy, rather copies of my blogs that I report to you on here. The email from the Twin Falls office went, and if I could now find it I’d forward it to them, I would. I will in time you can bet on it. Any flight, so the email from the Twin Falls office said that their ad production guy was full and not able to do full production , as I already knew. That said there was to be a tag, that ran on SOA for us in the short run, which was fine with me and our organization’s President. But then I get an email from the Twin Falls office saying that as soon as we had our funding together to call them. Which by the highway I have that funding right here in my desk, ready to go. Yes I was mad, thinking not only my own personal company was being thrown out or given the run around like KMVT did, but also the club and you as members. Granted I should have held or bit my lip, but I was mad. And yes over reacted. So for us its a no show on  a local level with the TV show SOA. To both the Twin Falls and Idaho Falls office of Cable One’s Ad department I apologize for over reacting. That said I’m working to find a phone number and contact to FX, to see if we can do a national buy, on SOA.

So I messed up and I take full responsibility for that, and again Cable-One I’m very sorry and retract what I said.

But understand, it was not without provocation.

Keep it wings level.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
Good taste is the worst vice ever invented. - Edith Sitwell

Psalm 119:14“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.”

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