Monday, August 16, 2010

Despite their best efforts


Despite many of their attempts, the Wolf never gives up. More over the AyreWolvez never get grounded. The simple fact is there are way too many who know that this Wolf’s howl is real. You our members know what’s put down on these blogs is real. More over can be backed up a thousand times over in court if it needs to be, and most likely will be in weeks if not months ahead. I have yet to figure out though what the hell got in these folk’s craw , that would turn them against not only me , but you the members of both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez. Now if I had hurt someone , somehow, damaged property, raped or mutilated someone in either MHI, or Goon’s Ferry, then they might have something to bitch about. If their bitching was limited to just AssDogs blog I’d pass it over, but every time we set out to do something these folks seem to feel the need to get on the phone or something to throw a wrench in the fan. Especially that Anon6. Who the frack, goes by a sign on as Anon6? If I were hiding something as I’m always accused of, would I not just put up something with a Anonomouse Screen Name? But I put not only my own name up on most if not all my blogs, including phone number and even address.

In fact even if they call me a thief, which originated from one damn time I had a blonde moment and walked out of some stop & gas joint in Goon’s Ferry , without paying for it. Now granted on the surface that could be taken as shoplifting. Thing is at the time that happened, I was in the middle of trying to get moved to Gooding, plus organizing a photo project for the club. I just plain forgot to pay. Fact is the only time I did that intentionally , I also went back and paid for the damn snot nose concockshun. Fact is I do not steal. Hazzard folks don’t steal, and Hazzard runs through my veins thick as molasses. If I had snitched on purpose, the snot nose meds from the Stop&Gas in Goons Ferry, on purpose, don’t ya’ll think that I’d have been hauled in to the jail? Stealing medication of any sort is a Federal crime, its a felony. If I had intentionally snitched that $10.00 bottle of Nyquil, don’t the bastards think I would have just said yep I did it, did my time and go from there? But since I didn’t do that on purpose is why I fought it, and paid $300.00 for that medicine. Any mile it don’t matter none since I don’t live in Ignore County Idaho anymore, I don’t associate with anyone from Ignore County any more, and if I see someone from Ignore County , I walk on the other side of the road so we never have to meet. In fact if I see that someone from Ignore County apply for a job at one of the clubs companies, that’s an automatic disqualifier. If but if they want to keep stoking the coals, they and we know who THEY  are, they are going to get burned. But our attorney this morning told me as he looked things over for me to be patient, and that he would handle it. So I’m ignoring those from Ignore County. Next entry; finding a good breakfast in Buhl.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. - Mark Twain
2 Corinthians 7:1“Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

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