Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shades of Gray part 2

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Most people with normal thinking would grasp the idea that if a cable or other media outfit were needing advertising dollars and were blowing their own horn looking for those dollars, one would not have to jump through flames to get something on the tube. Granted I am sinking the majority of my personal ad dollars into everything RTV. Since its not only a better bargain, rate wise, but I get respect from them. Added to that their Idaho affiliate is willing to roll all the way down from the city of trees to shoot the ad. Yet our local cable system, as well as one other in our area is very skiddish. Granted I have on occasion went to them and never followed through. Mostly its not paying for the ad time, that’s the problem. The problem is; producing the ad itself. They told me my concept of an ad is too racy , okay fine, yet when I tell the cable bunch they can produce it, so it is within their standards , the response is have somebody else do it. My question do they even want my account? Do they not realize that if I’m on there and plugging the club, that the club members and sponsors will also buy time on Cable-One as well? Having a fit forming gal in leather sitting on the seat of a fresh built chopper or tricked out Harley saying, “ Want this? See these guys” Is out of line. It’s not the Duke look here at least on Cable One since Daisy is out of the comfort zone, for Cable-One, its Leather pants, heels and halter top, pitching Hazzard County Choppers. Mostly pitching membership for and of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, which is the living REAL version of the Sons. Which is the only, and I mean ONLY reason I’m even talking to Cable-One.  Otherwise I would not even be looking at dealing with a local station, or similar, since local to me has proven time and again a waste of my time. Our ads are no worse than Bert Harbaugh pitching his RV sales company in Wendell, or such, nor any worse that some of the ads from a local hot rod shop, yet we are held off. Then they suggest two alternates one I don’t like much, and one other that I can’t find a phone number for. My suggestion to Cable-One don’t ask for new advertisers if you can’t service them. Then they ask for money before the ad is produced. Do they think I’m that stupid? Fine, I’ll cough up the bread. Something tells me to find out the head cheese somewhere and talking to them, say Phoenix Arizona, at Cable-One’s HQ. I also wonder if the Boise half of Cable-One’s ad sales department would be so hard to deal with?

Just amazing, but again if I’m having this much trouble, maybe others are too. Might provide a opportunity for SAMCRO MC Idaho.

See ya’ll later.

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Quote of the day:
We need anything politically important rationed out like Pez: small, sweet, and coming out of a funny, plastic head. - Dennis Miller
Psalm 119:130“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

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