Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Knytes battle with Mountain West Media

WOLFS LAIR PING1 Knytes Label 1

When I see the crap in both newspapers of our area as well as TV I have to say that the news of both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez is not just news its breaking importance. Much of what we are into as both a club as well as our members themselves include real news that all should view, but it ain’t always been so, and getting anything of the club in front of the public through both newspapers, as well as on TV has been , shall we say ; a challenge, to say the least. The news of the ongoing and as of this morning burned acres in the 400,000 acre range have turned ground into soot on the Long Butte fire west of Hazzard . That many who fly, including but not just me, that those dropping retardant and water from the air, both from BLM, and so on are members of the AyreWolvez. Even guys on the ground from the BLM as well as various fire crews have in them members of the Knytes. Its too bad it takes a major bad thing to shake to get the attention of the media in any form on the west end of the Magic Valley. In our treasure trove of beginnings of the club, as the then TeenAge Truckers Club that evolved into the Road Commanders Association by 1979 getting the noise of the boys and few girls of those that had diesel fuel and the open highway pulsing through our veins was at best hit and miss, mostly miss. Most did not want to know as far as newspaper types, and electronic media both TV and Radio, thumbed their nose at us. The only option was to BUY ads to get a news blip in something, about the club. Until mid 1977 when through a course of events, got tired of being told NO, not interested, the RCA or Road Commanders Association a kin to the Knytes-of-Anarchy, said lets do up our own station. At the time there was no allocation to frequency wize in the area, much less Hazzard. We said who cares? Lets do it anyway. So some surplus radio gear was bought from Lewiston High School in Lewiston Idaho, a white pole to match the trees by my folk’s homestead and outlaw pirate station KDSL or Kay-Diesel FM 89.1 went on the air. Mostly from 20:00(8:00PM) to 06:00(6:00AM) . We even had better area ratings than any area radio station which ticked off a few who blew the horn and the FCC revenuers came knocking. Thank Kahless, that Dad was around, got some Federal support from then Sen. Frank Church amongst others and a legal station went up in 1983, prior to that we ran 24/7 365. Sure a pirate station but who cared we were and continue to be the radio voice in the Mountain west who try to make a buck driving a truck or flying. With that said, and perhaps its justified, perhaps not , but the TIMES NEWS of Twin Falls has never been kind. They did a story on us once and never followed up on the progress of the club. Hey like I say, there’s real news and a real story on our club. Being as much of the growth of this area of Idaho was created by us, or at least influenced by us. After all few realize that when one of our  birds or one of our rides is at shows nearby or even around the world, its the Magic Valley that gets a spotlight usually in a good way. Not asking anything in return, Times News or Buhl Herald , except an occasional slap on the back or at least a update on the goings of the club would be good. Hey you help us, we help you. Kapeesh? When it comes to TV that is a whole other thing.

Yes we have always sought to have a hot female bod pose with our birds(Aircraft), bikes, and/or trucks. The basics of that stem from the old format of Overdrive Magazine of the late 1960’s mid 1970’s, along with Truckin, Mini Truckin Magazine, as well as the fact that the club was carved out of the images of a TV show called The Dukes of Hazzard. That had as one of its icons, Daisy Duke. Those long legs in nylons and heels was to much for most of the TV big wheels of the Magic Valley. Fine to show on TV since they can’t control the content of the network, but damn the on or advertiser that wants to roll that off on a TV ad. No how no way, unless your willing to pay a bunch of cash. In media circles in this area, decency is dictated by how much money you spend.  Over the last two years I have been busting my butt for the good of the club to get a membership education/recruiting ad produced for airing on local TV. I have went to I can’t any longer count, to video production firms even local stations to get a vid produced for that TV ad, and yet it gets close, but no explosion. Remember close only counts in horseshoes and RPG’s. Not ads for TV. We have a line on one from Boise, but if I suspect, and I do. If anything is going to get done on this for us its going to mean, us buying TV gear including expensive cameras to get a simple TV ad produced. Is a TV station in the works? Yes. Old KTVB when it retired its old analog station channel 38 opened that door. Still two years off, but its coming first things first is KDXC. Now that said when it comes to Newspapers. Recently I have probed the Buhl Herald and Times News to get our news on their pages. With a , we’ll give you a call without a real return phone call. While newspaper readership is down and newsprint ad revenue is even worse that even TV you’d think that to get ad dollars rolling in from not only the club, but of the members of the club with their own business’s both the Buhl Herald, Times News etc would be beating their shoes off getting to the phone or coming over to do a story not just on the radio station, but the club (us) who is putting it up. Hey its not just me, I’m only one of many doing the station. But as far as newspapers. In 1997 I discovered, a little part want ad part gossip newspaper called Monkey Bizzness. Published and produced by Mickey Pollard, out of Gooding. Over a few years, Mickey decided to sell the gear and publication to us in The Knytes, since I wrote a column or two for her plus delivered the publication each week. Ultimately, Monkey Bizzness will be relaunched next fall as yep you got it; The Hazzard Gazzette, news and views of Hazzard, the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as the AyreWolvez. It’d be good for both the Times News and Buhl Herald to make friends with the club an me now, rather than later.

Yes the Knytes have had their battles, with Mountain West media outlets, funny thing is, The Knytes-of-Anarchy and the AyreWolvez always wins.

Next blog, the Utah charter.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
Reality continues to ruin my life. - Bill Watterson
Psalm 116:1-2“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
Wolfs Lair Tail

Knytes Label 1