The night arrived for the area meeting of efforts and information on the Long Butte Fire near Hazzard(Hagerman) . The only two members of the area press? The Times News and of course AyreWolf FM. No showing from KTVB, KMVT, none of them, not even the Buhl Herald that I thought should have been there, since Buhl was in direct paths of the raging blaze, that is nearly contained at 330,000 acres. More accurately 400,000 acres. Many questions were asked, except only one that one from media would ask, so I did, like why wasn’t the area EBS Emergency Broadcast System, that even us at AyreWolf FM are required to have alerted? No EBS alert what so ever. Glad it wasn’t a major happening, like Tornado, or Hurricane. Many farmers and ranchers voiced their displeasure on how rather how ineffective the communication from area officials were with them. Between SIRCOM and BLM. Neither one can communicate with each other, on a radio channel. Dang, glad this wasn’t a natural major disaster, people would be dead. Any mile , I’ll have major information on the meeting held in Hazzard last night on the Fire, but know this while AyreWolf FM and the Times News was there, the rest just snoozed. Now who would you trust to deliver the news? Not KMVT, not KTVB. Certainly Not, it isn’t commercially ROI to warrant these two TV station’s attentions.
L8R Confederate Aviators,
Quote of the day:
No one has ever had an idea in a dress suit. - Sir Frederick G. Banting
Psalm 119:165“Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |