The gap between passive and mean Marine are narrowing. I laugh at the ad on TV by GEICO , which stands by the way for ; Government Employees Insurance Company, that’s right, its not named after the little lizzard. Any mile when they ask can a call to GEICO save you 15% on car insurance? Would a Marine Drill Instructor make a good head shrink? Then you see this yuppie on a couch , wimpering and the DI, says, “ We’ll just o over to Wamby Pamby Land to find you some self confidence, ya damn japwagon.” Then the DI throws this yuppie a Kleenex box and says, “ damn cry baby” and I think this is the problem with so much of this nation’s population, especially the younger crowd. I hear so much wimpering and baby tweeting, any more over pure bullshit, that I just want to throw out a few boxes of ass wipe and say boo-whoo. Ya’ll have nothing to boo-whoo about. When you sit in a fox hole across the world , with everything exploding and falling down around you. When you see your fellow aviators blown out of the air and their remains scattered all over the place, when you have to eat off the land berry’s , bugs, plants, because there is no food , cause your in enemy territory , waiting to be rescued if you are at all, then you can wimper. Otherwise shut the fuck up. Then I see simple civilian stupid all around me, and so much inefficiency , that ya’ll have to ask, what is going to happen in the nation? Heard something at last nights meeting. One of our groups wives was she was on some fund raiser committee, for some version of the PTA. Saying she suspected the local high and mighty’s of the local PTA, had been stashing or laundering money. And yet the PTA has been asking for more donations for some things the local underprivladged kids could use this year in school, that the teachers are paying for. Yet the local PTA is sitting on some $70,000.00 . Smells worse than one of these dairies out yonder. All I know is for me any more I’m getting fedup with much of the Tragic Valley of Idaho, first it was the bullshit with KMVT, then last week with Cable-One’s AD department. The only ones we are getting along with is RTV and its three Idaho affilliates. But what all this is doing to me is narrowing the gap between, passive and mean Marine.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying. - Fran Lebowitz
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