Few companies or individuals do anything Hazzard Style. Hazzard style means doing all things with precision dedication and unmatched tenacity. That said today(Monday) was really a Monday. First woke up very pukey but went on like nothing happened. Got a call from 8-Fish, but who ever was on the other end did not stay on the line even after one ring. Oh great, but figured I’d make the lunch date anyway. So took time out of a very busy schedule getting aircraft ready to attack the remains of the Long Butte fire, to go to this lunch date. So got off the can and headed over. Construction on Addison ave in Twin and all the way over on US-30 meant taking it a bit slow, and as such was 10 minutes late. So sat at the bar for nearly an hour waiting. Not needing to be there my counter part left on his way to the rented hangar, and I shortly there after followed. Walked into the office, hit the head and got a call from 8-Fish. Seems they also waited. Huh? There are few if anybody in Anchors that does not know me , or would not direct me to someone waiting for me. Since 70% of our monthly, and weekly meetings are held there. But Kevin my counter part of AyreWolf Aviation/BlackSheep Towing, as well as 2nd VeePee of the AyreWolvez, said with all this , why can’t we do this ourselves? If its getting a camera and all at this rate it’d cost us less to rent one, scrounge up some talent shoot, edit etc the damn ad ourselves. Considering that 8-Fish is going to dig into our bank account to the tune of $8,000.00, at that rate it’d be in good interests of all to do the thing ourselves. Again too, it comes back to something I have always said, if we as a club are having this much trouble, getting a simple TV ad produced, maybe there are others out there in our industry as well as others, that might get into a truly independent video production company, that can recruit talent, write script, put together a story board, mix in the music, shoot the video, edit it, put it on a broadcast DVD or Betamax tape, and place ads for other firms, not just our club etc. Hell we could do this up for even 10% or even 1% of what every body else is quoting and make a profit. After all didn’t Dom Santini produce film and video too? For the few out there wondering about the Betamax, thing. Most, not all, but most area TV stations are using Betamax as a tape medium, along with DVD’s. We are not talking the BetaMax you all are familiar with.
Then I got to thinking too on my slower trip back to the Wolf’s Lair here, are we as a club, the only ones doing things right? Even venturing out to do experimental things? When I hear, why here? I always say, Why not here? Why not now? Just because the rest of the Northern Union has decided to roll over and die since 9-1-1, as well as are shy, with the Yankee constructed poor economy, does not mean that us in both the Knytes of Anarchy as well as the AyreWolvez need to do that too. Maybe that’s why since 1982 and even slightly before, The Knytes-of-Anarchy(Hazzard County Knytes) and us as the Knytes’ brother organization the AyreWolvez, have retained 80% of our founding membership. Continues to prosper even in lean times, and still have green in the can when it needs to be there. Not saying we have never been a few days or even a month late on some bills, but those bills always get paid.
So hope that 8-Fish calls back. If not in a week or two might just do it ourselves, which means a quick trip to Pocatello. More on that next entry, but wouldn’t it be great if more companies did things Hazzard Style? Sadly they don’t. But that’s what makes us who we are.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun. - P. G. Wodehouse
Psalm 94:18-19“When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |