Thursday, October 28, 2010

All Bull, Vote CSA/CNP for no Bull Government!!


I just watched another public debate on TV, with candidates for Idaho’s Governor. If you watched this debate, you kind of had to laugh at two candidates that were no more qualified to be Governor for Idaho than a bulldog at a pie eating contest. Butch Otter has no more ability to be Governor for Idaho, now. I say that because his office is not even able to answer a simple letter from one of his citizens. Used to be anyone who resided in Idaho , could see the Governor, with only a little prior notice. Keith Allred , is a Democrat , who says he is from Twin Falls, yet seems to focused on Boise and Ada County than the rest of Idaho. Mr. Allred could not even bother to sit down and have a cup of coffee with a Idaho voter at the Twin Falls County Fair. The only candidate I can support and will vote for is Jana Kemp. She at least sat down and even broke bread with me at the Twin Falls County Fair, and even gave me a phone call back when I had a question, that I needed some clarification on. Is that just lip service on her part , to get my vote? Perhaps, but I’d feel easy talking to her about the issues I feel strongly about. Like encouraging state support of the arts, and giving our states film commission some needed funds to promote our state to Hollywood to get films, movies, TV series etc made in Idaho. Have a Idaho Film Festival, etc bring in tourist money to help offset some of the internal revenue that is not able to be made from some bassackwards Victorian mindsets, that is currently Idaho’s statehouse. The question came into tonight's debate on wolf population control. Why punish the poor wolf for human stupidity? The Canadian Wolf did not ask to be loaded in trailers and cages to be transferred to Idaho to get chummy with the native wolves in Idaho. Humans did this, why punish the poor wolf. One answer from one of the candidate was, work it collectively between the three effected states. Like the poor wolf can read a map. We as humans do not say , oops , the human population is overwhelmingly hurting resources so we need to kill a few children, or senior citizens to offset overcrowding, Homeless , etc. Nope, but the wolf is not asking for your charity, the wolf is hunting in its own way to eat and feed its children, the wolf pups. Let the wolvez alone.

Two candidates looked like two idiots up there. Too bad the CSA/CNP did not have a candidate up there, voicing some serious thoughts. The CSA/CNP has not this election season, stepped up to the plate. I’d have voted for that candidate had there been one. That said, there is time to mount an effort for the 2012 elections. Its going to be tuff, but lets do it. The flag of Dixie is flying proud in Idaho and the Mountain West, but the voice of the CSA is embarrassingly silent. Both KDOH FM in Buhl(our station) and CSTN is breaking our butts to be that voice to educate and give a needed poke to those who think there are only two political parties in Idaho, or the nation. But we can’t do it alone, we need every person, that is a deep down Confederate, some that believe in values, to help us build this radio/TV network. We need to get people willing to run as a candidate for President, Vice President, etc for the 2012 elections. I for one am planning on running for Sheriff for Gooding County Idaho as a CSA/CNP candidate. I am only one in wind storm, we need more to brave the banter to step up. That said, this Tuesday, vote for others than the traditional two parties. Don’t just vote for a certain party, vote for the person. At least go vote. Vote for less bull and less government. Lets get rid of the F.C.C. for once, let local governments or state governments, have their own licensing etc departments for TV and Radio etc. Let the marketplace dictate the success and or failure of local TV and or Radio stations. Most in Washington DC have no idea of who is or is not being properly served by a certain radio or TV station. Most, in DC at the F.C.C. , don’t even know if certain areas are even being served , espcially local rural communities. 

If you want to reduce government oppression, and the expense that it takes to maintain that oppression, and control over YOU and YOUR family, then use your brain, vote for independent candidates this Tuesday, and lets get the CSA/CNP stronger for the 2012 elections. But at least vote on Tuesday.

L8R Confederate Aviators\


Quote of the day:
Sometimes people are layered like that. There's something totally different underneath than what's on the surface. But sometimes, there's a third, even deeper level, and that one is the same as the top surface one. Like with pie. - Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon
Romans 12:1“[Living Sacrifices] Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.”

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