Friday, October 1, 2010

Its that time of the Month again and guess whose late?

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It’s once again that time of the month and guess who the fuck is late? Yep the grand Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Now my mere $53.00 a month is usually not that big of a thing, since I usually have a money reserve, but good ole September was a real pain in the ass. Power company nailed my ass for $400.00, phone bill at 300.00 so I lived on what rations I had and what little I could muster up from a few odd jobs. But thing is you’d think this would be done a bunch faster., I have had two times that the system got fucked up, once in Pocatello, and one time in Burley. Both were simple internal bullshit mistakes by some idiot whose no doubt living on $40k plus a year, speaks Mexican and does not care about a reassigned Marine needing feed and fuel.

There has been a huge bunch of things here lately that has been saying get your ass out of that fucking place. I’m getting a hell of lot more serious about it. I was hoping to get my EBT Cash benefit this morning to go to a orientation with Voc-Rehab so I can snag a part time job to generate the kinds of cash so I can liquidate, out of this stupid ass’d Tater state.

No Federal or State agency is perfect, there is so much waste and stupidity running through all levels of it that the USA could save billions from doing an overhaul on many of them. Of those I rank the Utah Department of WorkForce Services as number two as completely clueless and udderly stupid and the grand daddy of them all? Yep the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Just hope I don’t have to put a boot up someone’s butt over at the H&W office this morning.



Quote of the day:
The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum. - Havelock Ellis

Matthew 5:11-12“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

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