Saw on the news tonight , that SNOW is in the forecast for the weekend and yes , the ultra warm weather we have been enjoying is about to come to a serious recess for the year. Some would say that working on things to be going towing would be numero uno for me right now, but getting valuable seat or flying time is crucial as well. If your into aviation , and if your not what are you reading my blog for? But those of us with wings knows that keeping your seat time current is important. You can’t fly , you might as well die, as it is in my eye’s. So since weather is not a extended luxury , I’m in the air as much as possible. Even us with X ratings to fly, need to maintain at minimum of 60 hours of seat time per month to remain certified. With that said, DixieBelle is getting sandblasted this coming week, and in the shop for at least 3, so while I am not ready to go tow at the first snow as I had planned, all due to my own laziness, still I’ll be out snagging and dragging when it really counts. The in Twin Falls impound yard is nearly completed, the shop space is secure so , I’m not so far behind that I can’t take time out to fly. Now if your wondering why, think it this way, going towing I might, and its a big might make $1,000.00 a month, in the air flying , I can make that in a hour. So where would you be putting your priorities. As far as the radio station/web site, still nothing yet, so am looking at flying up to Portland next week weather permitting and meet , greet and get our site operational at least by the first of the year. Still betting on Mike from Boise, and all , but this needs to get done and done yesterday. I as your XO , promise to devote as much time as I can to the gig. I’m not letting another year roll by with out having our ultimate military aviation website/streaming radio station on the air. It’s no longer the thing of money, money is in the bank to build the site, but few at least within my reach have a lot of experience in building a website with the requirements we have set for ours. So that is still in the works.
So that’s my howling for today, body is tyred, been pouring concrete at the new yard all day.
See ya’ll Friday afternoon.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy. - Janet Long
Psalm 40:8“I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
One can’t walk on water without getting wet-AyreWolf