Retro always werx. People are truly creatures of habit and most generally think in the box. Examples are rampant throughout the media. Case-n-point, CMT is running the Dukes(thank goodness) , likewize reruns of Trick My Truck, which is not a bad thing. Hell I’d die of a coronary if the Chrome Shop Mafia showed up to completely redoux old DixieBelle. Be that as it may.
CMT’s stablemate CBS, runs H-5-O or a newer redoux of the old series(makes ya’ll wonder, why not do a newer version of the Dukes, don’t it?) Any mile. Humans unlike us from Kronos are creatures of habit and what they can put their hands on. If its not in the box, most humans have no way or ability to grasp it and get their cultured minds to wrap around it. Not saying that some exotic or erotic does not capture attention, but once the new wears off, its back in the box for most of them. What if ya’ll were to combine out of the box, with Retro? Consider; Confederate-Star Television Network? A network that has programming that most can remember and enjoyed, along with out of the box, fight the system programming. What if we did a show like Trick My Truck, for a half hour, then did a OTR truckers news and Lifestyles program for the other half hour? Call it Dixie Deezl TV? Of course video runs of us in studio with AyreWolf Radio, as well as a series we call Highway Hooker TV, the only show on both TV and Radio for those of us who tow. Lets face it those of us going towing never get the respect and thank you nod we deserve. Braving all kinds of weather conditions, unfair rotation call out lists, angry and at times abusive customers, not knowing what why we in towing charge for our service what we charge. The list goes on and on. To most who drive a vehicle we in towing are a necessary evil. Most do not wake up wishing for the need to call a tow truck. We in towing are like the drummer in a rock band. Nobody or very few , go up and thank the drummer, for a job well done, but forget that if it were not for the drummer the beat they dance to would not be there. Likewize if it were not for us in toewing their day would be worse when their ride is in the ditch, they would still be there if not for us. We wrap our minds around the CNP/CSA. Why? Simple, since Obama and his gang have driven us all in the ditch and over the cliff, we in the CSA/CNP are the ones to pull America out of that ditch. Yes in reality, Obama put you in the Ditch, We in the CSA/CNP, will pull you out.
All of this is what Confederate Star Television Network is all about.
How we are planning to get there ? Next blog.
But the Dukes are on , so gotta go, ya’ll buckle up now.
L8R Confederate Aviators
1 Peter 1:24-25“For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Buy your favorite tow trucker a cup of coffee-AyreWolf