I had something much nicer and all planned for this entry, but its a problem that is increasing in the efforts of mere market protection for a few TV stations to retain power.
I commented a few blogs ago about the fact that I preferred the news broadcasts from KSL –5 SLC over what we see domestically here on our cable system. As of the weekend, in case you missed it, Channel-9 which is the portal from Cable One here to pipe in KSL-5, went off line. A tech mess up? No, its because CH-7.1 or the local spur of KTVB-7 and of course the mighty KMVT-11 can’t measure up to the news quality of KSL-5. So guess what, a bit of power muscle over the local Cable-One’s management and, oops, CH-9 is now dark. This friends is not the way to compete in the market place. Granted it is hard for a small set of stations to compete with the mighty KSL since KSL is supported over all by the LDS church. Yet muscling your competitor with getting the local Cable system is not the way to make a better news broadcast. The better way is to produce the kind of journalistic quality news broadcast that KSL does. Lets face it our local broadcasters here fear anything that gives anyone else an upper jump in area ratings. An example is our local RTV station, that can’t be seen on the Cable System, since RTV and its local affiliate here KBAX –27 can offer ad rates that are far lower than any other local station can. Let’s face it if a station and/or network can offer a $300.00 a pop ad nationwide, and local ads selling for $5.00 per pop , its a reason to shudder for the other local stations. That’s why the local stations have kept a thumb on KBAX to keep KBAX off of the cable system at least in Twin Falls Idaho. I fully understand that local stations are having a hard , really hard time generating money these days. Ad sales are down, expenses up and all, its the same reason, that even us here at KDOH here in Buhl are getting the thumb from many. Any operation in broadcasting that threatens the Titans of Magic Valley broadcasting gets hammered. I’m waiting for the day, that the local broadcasters come to me and offers some big $’s for our CP and station license, here in Buhl. However I will not sell, nor will the Knytes-of-Anarchy,Sons Of Kahless sell our broadcasting rights and network station here. But this is just the tip of the ice burg. Thing is and with elections coming up next week , a week from today, the local politicians will make sure that the voice of the Confederate National Party is kept shut, since hey, the CNP gives folks a choice that no one thought of. Friends I have to tell you this, if you missed this, your just flying without VFR. THE CNP, is your only choice come election day. Your minds are going to be controlled by the Progressives, your no longer picking from the Republicans nor the Democrats or as it is labled the Democratic Socialists. As both are merging together as one party. If your missing the opportunity to become part of the CNP/CSA, your only going to have to blame yourselves, for the next shoe to drop. Your media is going to be controlled by the one party Government, your job is going to be controlled by the one party Government, since the aim is to make you dependent on that Government for any money you get. They will tell you where to work, where to live, what hours your going to work, and even dictate what your going to eat this evening for dinner. The one party Government is pushing for control of health care. With their own doctors, and health care providers. And if your worth is not seen as valuable, they’ll just let you get sick, and die.
I urge you friends to begin to write Cable-One’s HQ in Arizona, tell them you want KBAX-Ch-27 Twin Falls active on their cable system , tell them you demand CH-9 restored, more important, at the polls this Tuesday, mark down candidates of the CSA/CNP, here. Or the Independents, like Jana Kemp, running for Idaho’s Governor. Its time we took our nation back. Snooze you loose.
And to KTVB and KMVT , you ought to be ashamed for muscling out KSL in the marketplace.
My thoughts.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
Editor: a person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed. - Elbert Hubbard
2 Timothy 3:16-17“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |