Friday, October 8, 2010

If not serious, why bother me?

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A few weeks ago , on my way to an important meeting, I decided I’d drop in the ear of the Times News, the radio werx project of both the Knytes as well as us in the AyreWolvez. Sat down with a business editor, and thought there was going to be albeit small a article on it. Maybe excite a few sponsors and get things going, a bit faster. Guess what, a reporter comes over, but article fizzled. Mostly because I told the business editor to  not upset the sponsors we already have. Then just a mere fewer weeks ago, this gal from the Sun Valley area, gives me an email, wants to do a story on the clubs. No biggy, but I set aside valuable flying seat time, to do the interview, complete with a photographer. Guess what? Yep , interrogation city, not just a mere interview. Of all the members including some of ya’ll I contacted, few wanted to get calls at all times of day, about the club. As well as some of ya’ll can’t get traditional phone calls , because of military deployment, am I to undergo a Article 82, just for a maybe article? But here’s the clincher. I had ditched the Times News, in favor of rolling out our own publication per Hazzard County Tymez, which , hits the area newsstands in two weeks, yet this reporter contacts me, not the other way around, which is fine okay, but if not willing to do the article, including her editors, why bother me? Shit all she’d have to do is give Ricky a call, or hell , the current Sheriff of Gooding County. Heck he’ll tell her not only is the club real, but yes our Gen Lee was real, in fact , that I spent 90 days in Gooding’s cross bar motel, for 100MPH on Hazzard’s main street. But that’s getting off course here, if the Slime News does not want to do a story, or article, why waste my time and theirs?

Okay then. Good news to report, shops have been found in Twin Falls, thanks to Ricky, Hanger space has been located, thanks to Correy, out at the Hazleton airport, and found a 222A for $300K, to build a prototype of the Lady.

As of this hour flying today is by way of VFR, I by the skyway will be up at 14:00 today, things are starting to fall in place again. But I ask again, hey Slime News, either ditch the articles on us, or git-r-done. But quit wasting my time. By the way, the Slime News, can’t match the independent reporting and writing of the Hazzard County Tymez.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
Television news is like a lightning flash. It makes a loud noise, lights up everything around it, leaves everything else in darkness and then is suddenly gone. - Hodding Carter

Isaiah 43:11-12“I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "that I am God.”

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