Monday, October 4, 2010

Nothing is truly Automatic

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Nothing is truly foolproof Automatic. Try as they might nobody has ever been able to program a computer or none of the super computers on Earth can exist completely without the interaction of man. For they are merely machines and can make mistakes even more so than even man . Lets face it no device no matter how big, or how many terabytes it can process can equal the creation made by the great Kahless in the human brain. Created to have complete dominion over all things, all creatures , all livestock and every creepy crawly thing, including computers and machines. In fact we are also creators, and few can duplicate fully the abilities we as humans have. Excusing sore backs, flu, colds, poor circulation, constipation, and all forms of maladies, still we as humans are far superior than all the Super Computers anywhere. My Mom had this saying, working around some of the most primitive computers ever built, at HAFB in Utah, she said a computer is only as smart as the person that programs it. While our beloved D-O-D is toying with remote drones and unmanned aircraft piloted by a human no less from a remote location still none of them have the reasoning abilities that we has humans possess.

I’ll be back online later this evening, but had another tooth pulled today and expect a x-ray for dental implants Tuesday, but these pain meds have me tapped. So see ya’ll very much later.

Keep it Wings Level


Quote of the day:
Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons. - R. Buckminster Fuller
Proverbs 27:1“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”

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