Friday, October 22, 2010

Don’t believe all you see on TV


Truth will set you free, the famous Bible verse, but don’t expect that on TV ad’s, especially those that roll into your home late at night on cable TV. Few if any companies , truly believe in full disclosure. The old bait and switch mindset is in full bloom, and the thorns are under the flowers. Consider this example. A online company says, if you go to their site, punch in your name, you can see instantly , who might be searching for you. Bullshit, you go to that site( and guess what, you get redirected to a site to view who might be looking for you, you need to pony up plastic money. That ain’t free. Another example? Check this out, The contracted band plays the tune that if you go to their site you can get a FREE credit report. However in reality, the Free credit report is only good , if you sign up , with plastic money for their credit monitoring services. BUT IT AIN’T TRULY FREE. Why not just say a complimentary credit report, if you sign up with our credit monitoring services. Its like if you go to some really posh motels you get a free breakfast, but few expect to get that free breakfast if you don’t pay to stay in that motel. Its a given. Yet, online firms are some of the worst. There are few government agencies watching over the shoulder, of online firms. The FTC , is one that works on complaints, but only after the damage is done. Only one state that I know of , has a dynamic consumer affairs agency and that’s in Utah. But if you think that all things on TV are what they say, think again. Few firms advertising either on TV or Radio, run what is called legal statements that flat out tell you, that all representations are typical. Which is saying the previous TV ad, was smoke and mirrors, the real deal, is this will cost you, and in most cases, cost you big.

So what about us? AyreWolf Aviation, Hazzard County Choppers and Dixie Towing of Idaho, has never needed a disclaimer since we put all our cards on the table. We tell and publish our towing rates, we flat out tell you the rates for our time in the air, and will honestly quote a custom bike or truck rebuild, which is always less than most, but if we aren’t we tell you, who might be better or lower cost. Then there are those seminars, that publish a 20 page booklet, advertise like hell on late night cheap rate per spot time slots, saying sign up for this or that seminar or program, for FREE GRANT start up money for a business. Yes there are grants out there, but only for NOT FOR PROFIT business’s, mostly for state, city, or educational agencies. Not for starting a FOR PROFIT Business. The SBDC , SBA, can bird dog you in the right direction of course, but in reality there is no real , FREE MONEY out there. It does not exist. And especially today. Yet TV stations will accept these firms in droves, as many pay in advance for the chance to dance on TV in front of you, but if your a too honest business, don’t expect a TV station to really accept you or your firm for advertising. Except two, AyreWolf Radio, and Confederate Star TV.

That in Saturday’s blog.

Until then keep it wings level.


Quote of the day:
Television: a medium. So called because it is neither rare nor well done. - Ernie Kovacs

Proverbs 15:23“A man finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

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A Knyte Babes poster AFTER BURNER

Bullshit is gold , late night TV hosts become billionaires. –AyreWolf

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