Tuesday, October 5, 2010

If your worshiping on Sunday you are sinning.


If your worshiping on Sunday you are sinning. A few years back, I got into a holding pattern of thought that going to worship Kahless on Sunday was just plain wrong. For those not in the know; Kahless is the name the Knytes of Anarchy gave to the great White spirit, Stovacore(is Heaven). Any flyte, I got to feeling hey this ain’t right. Why be thinking this way? When the , then Hazzard County Knytes(Now Knytes-of-Anarchy) were so pee-owed at mass religion preaching and teaching , just to line their pockets and being just filthy greedy, the Hazzard Knytes opened up Knytes Hall on Saturday’s to worship Kahless. Many called us wrong. The plan at the time was not of any real teaching, the reason we went to Church on Saturday was so we could watch NASCAR on Sunday’s. Our Church is called; the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. So just before I , decided to pull up stakes and move over yonder here to Buhl, I was doin wash and saw this little book talking about how much of a sin it was to be going to church on Sunday and holding Sunday as the Sabbath day, the word Sabbath by the way is Hebrew for resting, has nothing to do with Kahless. Or things gospel or Holy. At least not in the most direct way.

I’ll get into this more tonight, but , reminding ya’ll if yer going to Church and worshiping on Sunday or calling Sunday the Sabbath Day, your sinning.

L8R Confederate Aviators,


Quote of the day:
It was wonderful to find America, but it would have been more wonderful to miss it. - Mark Twain
Isaiah 55:6“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”

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