Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Its best to pull it out the same way it went in!!


380x151 HHL HEADER

Call came in at 14:30 Hours we did not get done until 20:45 Hours, and we might have gotten done faster if what I was telling the crew to do, was pull it out , the same damn way it went in. The scene was this, a company driver, for Simplot’s in where else? MHI, was hauling down Magic Springs Road and says , his brakes failed. Considering there are 4 runaway sand piles, before the road intersects with U.S.-30 you’d think this guy would have used it, but nope, slid past the stop sign, rolled the truck and pup , on its side, and nearly took out a newer log home,and a slightly older house at the bottom of the grade. We responded initially with two trucks, from Twin Falls. Magic Springs road is about 12 miles or so from Buhl. We ended up, blocking the highway, with our own traffic control units, Ricky winched the pup, big Rick, winched the bigger KW, ten wheeler, but I can tell you , Simplot will have to buy another truck, the KW’s cab was squashed. As for me, I pulled a smaller pinto, out from under the KW, and did traffic control. Both drivers lived with not to critical injuries, but the entire episode costed Simplot, $8,000.00 talk about ironic justice. Wasn’t Simplot the ones who rented me the shop in GF? Told Chuck we should have charged more.

Early AM so gotta go, see ya’ll Tuesday night, remember SOA tonight at 23:00 hours, of FX.

One more thing before I close the door and go off to snore. Have you listened to the Intro, to the new attempt, by the E, cable network’s late night offering?

That Chelsea Lately or Chelsea Handler, it sounds like a guy at a strip bar introducing a pole dancer.

Maybe that’s where Chelsea started? Ya think?

L8R Aviators

wolf burst A Knyte Babes poster

Proverbs 19:20-21“Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.”

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