No matter who she is, no matter how super sweet she looks and no matter how fancy she dances, several things remain constant, she still fluffs, she still goes number two, even though you are banned from the can until that is done. Even though her crotch in the heat of passion is a delight in the night the reality is even that still stinks at times, and so it goes. Many of us male corpuscles refrain our brains to drain on the concept that even though the cover looks as ultimately perfect, in the real light she does have one and at times it too still stinks, even those toes in hose. Nobody will ever consider that her heart is not in the right place, her face with those dreamy eyes will melt ice at 20 yearns yet when it come to that body, it does break down sometimes , then is not the time to be bitching that she just might be stinking. After all she does have one.
Ever think of those times when ya’ll come home from the honky tonk, on Saturday night when she held your hair back as you lost your innerds into the head? Now that she is not feeling good, do you reciprocate? Are you willing to stand there holding her hair back, give words of comfort, even though the images of lust just went bust? When the odor is not as sweet as that illusion of perfume, she wore last night? If you can show compassion as much as you demonstrate your bedroom skills, you’ll lock yourself into a good thing.
As I close this afternoon, who the hell is in charge of advertising at Viacomm? I’d love to know, who cares about all those female products that watch CMT. CMT(Country, Music, Television) Has lost a bunch of its roots and much that CMT was founded upon. Too bad our locals here at the local cable company have not discovered RFDTV , or even RTV, but from the noise I have heard , through the skuttlebutt, Confederate Star TV has gained both a channel on the local system, here and will launch nationally on June 3rd 2011.
So the next time her make-up starts to run on a hot summer afternoon, remember She too has one.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
The man who lets himself be bored is even more contemptible than the bore. - Samuel Butler
Proverbs 19:20-21“Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |