Friday, October 22, 2010

How little some know


Last night at our organizations recital dinner for Lt. Whittman’s daughter, hey Scott hope she digs Juliet, any way, one of the new prospect members asked, why would anyone put an ad on our web site or radio station? To whit I replied, are you forking kidding? Do you not know the return on the investment? Consider this; when I did my gig , albeit syndicated, the numbers ratings wise, put it at just under 28,million listeners a night. The 7 50,000 watt stations that carried our show , took in more ad revenue during that 6 hour time block per night, than they did all month from other syndicated programs, the club likewise generated some big numbers as well in the bank account. When I did my gig on Pocatello’s cable access TV channel, while it never made big money, still for once people who never had tuned into the cable access channel did.  Why? Simple AyreWolf TV did what few dared to do in a predominately LDS town on a city controlled channel, and yet because we rather I was good, better than most I went from a hour, to nearly 4 hours a week. And the thing is I pushed the envelope of traditional TV , both Network broadcast or cable. It was our fight the system, attitude that gained us real altitude, and people finally had something other , than another boring outdoor hunting show. Had it not been for a few personal things that got in the way, I’d have stayed there, and might have gained the same level as Chris Milgate, with a major local sponsor like she has on FoX ch –9 there in Pocky or Cable channel 6 here in Twin. But getting back on course here, the reason people like what I do on the air is that I go beyond just one piece or a target content. I look into and chatted about everything, that might be of interest to those, military or not. It was the fact that I never completely bored my audience with just talk about aviation and/or warbirds, I extended my content to everything from personal relationships, to NASCAR, it was always interesting and it delivered. Delivered for my listeners, viewers, and my sponsors. Any flyte that was my answer to our new prospect, and why it is so very important to get this gig back into the air again , because we are loosing altitude. Saw a bunch of new pledges last night which was great, a few locals who were just kicking tires, but hey its a start to forming up this unit of the AyreWolvez. I do like the idea brought up by SSGT Thompson of putting together a USO chapter here. At least in the Tragic Valley, or Buhl. Finally we are still lacking getting some fund raising for the Military Aviators Memorial Wall, that we are building out at Buhl’s Airport. We could really use some extra $’s right now for the marble for the engraving of names etc, for said wall. Any of you who can dig in your jeans for a few dollars, or a one time major contribution , please do so. Whether alive or POW/MIA, those who flew in our armed forces in defense of this nation should know they are not forgotten. If you can help, please send anything you can to:

AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association 123 13th Avenue # D , Buhl Idaho 83316, for more 411 , call 208-737-9653, that’s 208-737-WOLF.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy. - Janet Long
Proverbs 15:23“A man finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

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AFTER BURNER Knytes Label 1

Even Kahless took one day off to rest-AyreWolf