Recently there was a happening that will shed light on the concept that while I can do and do many things reading minds is not one of them.
A month or so ago while scanning my email a small ad came up in my side bar of a person who builds web sites who lives in Boise. So I gave the guy a ring. Surprisingly enough the guy was willing to come down and meet with me here in Buhl. Not bad so I figured. But I had no idea that he expected payment right on that day, or even how much. While the fee is doable and it’ll be in your hands on the 1st of the month Mike, still I’m not a mind reader. I can anticipate weather conditions for flying, I can finish a sentence of my girl Shirley, because I have known her for 25 of my 51 years on earth, I can pretty much figure out that the guy in front of me is going to turn even if he or she does not give a signal, but other times, unless someone speaks up, I don’t know what they want. Call this another of those failure to communicate completely moments.
Any way, been sick this morning, must be hangover from last nights reception. In any case going to try and grab some shut eye, plus go to Church, remember Saturday is the Sabbath Day.
Even God rested on Saturday.
L8R Confederate Aviators
Quote of the day:
Given a choice between two theories, take the one which is funnier. - Blore's Razor
Psalm 19:14“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Close only counts in horseshoes and RPG’s, -AyreWolf