Just because one door closes does not mean others are not open , ya’ll just have to find the magic passageway. It can be a undaunting task, but eventually you’ll find the right course. Seems like I as an individual have been looking for all the right things , just in the wrong places and trusting all too many of the wrong people. Should just trust Knytes and AyreWolvez, since that’s the only ones that do what they say, and mean what they mean. When I was just at the threshold, of going full NOMAD, guess what? Ricky surfaces, and through the guy he works for, not only do I have access to a full shop , complete with 4 hoists, but fully equipped. Bottom line I have ahold of something thats going to put money in my britches. While not putting all my resources there as that is always a dumb idea, but hey if I put the majority of my blood sweat and tears in the new operation, I just might have uncovered gold.
Now if I can just get Ricky’s brain out of his crotch, things really will soar. Can’t blame him though, one walks, drives, even toewz all over Twin Falls, with all those ski tight hineys and teasing bras and it can be difficult to hold ones brain sane. However , its one thing to get that strange sickness of Lackofnukie, its another to be totally professional going towing.
Any mile Google’s having a fit tonight, so I’m off of here, need beer, food , bed.
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Quote of the day:
The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
Deuteronomy 13:4“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |